Chapter four

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I feel better now that I've talked to Lia . I know that it's normal to get into fights but I'd never ever thought that Ethan and I would kinda have one. 

"Uhh guess what" Lia says with a smirk plastered on her face.

"What?" I groan

"Grayson was worried about you and he even called you Lee when he asked if you were ok" she squeals like a 5 year old girl who just got a new doll

"WHAT?" I answer more than surprised


"He sure did!!!!" She jumps

"No he didn't he would never" I say hoping she was playing around

"Yes he did! Are you calling me a liar?"
She asks rising her eyebrow

"I ain't calling you a truther" I put my hands up in defence (DRAKE AND JOSH FANS WHERE R U AT!!?)

"He even stuttered" she giggles

"He's never stuttered in his life" I say with furrowed eyebrows

" I think he has a crush on you. I mean who wouldn't I totally smash if I wasn't straight but ya know I am." She jokes

"Your so funny" I say sarcastically

Why did Grayson say that though he hates me with even bone in his body . But in all honesty all I'm really thinking about is Ethan .

"You should go and talk to Ethan" she suggests

"Yeah I guess and I should probably apologize to Chamberlain too huh" I ask

"How'd you know" she jokes

"Hmmm lucky guess" I giggle and wipe my dried tears of my face

"Come on let's go because we only have 20 minutes left" she drags me by my wrist.

"Yeah whatever" I shrug


I can't believe I just stuttered what the fuck Dolan . You've messed up big time because now she probably thinks you like her. Good one

Why did I even call her Lee ?
Why was worried for?
I don't like Tammy at all so then why was I worried?

I mean no one knows this but I have a really big crush on Chamberlain.

I really need to find Ethan I look like a weirdo right now standing here in the hall way by myself.

I start walking into the cafeteria hoping to find Ethan and I lay eyes on him only to see his arms wrapped around Chamberlain petite waist .
WHAT THE FUCK ! How could he do this to me! I always thought he liked Tim Tam?

I then see Tim Tam walk out the cafeteria with tears on her cheeks while she looks away from Ethan

Yeah I'm not staying here any longer .

"Hey" a girl says

I walk away from her because she's annoying me

"When a girl says hi you say hi back you asshole" the girl says walking in front of me blocking me from walking

"I don't give a fuck" I reply

"Well you should cause I was only gonna ask you if you knew where a girl named Emma was you rude fuck" she says sassily

"Yeah well you should find her yourself" I reply bluntly not giving her any attention

"So move out of my way before I make you move" I say raising my voice a little

"Yeah whatever asshole" she says flipping me off

What a fucking bitch and why was she looking for Chamberlain, I didn't know one of her friends was a bitchass.


I walk into the cafeteria and see Ethan arms wrapped around Emma and I can't help but feel sad.

I look to the side and see Grayson also looking at Ethan but then to Emma and I see him clench his jaw with looks that could kill. DOES HE LIKE CHAMBERLAIN?

I then put my focus back to Ethan I can't do this because just seeing him with her is hurting me . Why ? It's not like their hooking up infront of me. Even when he's hooking up with girls I never usually feel hurt.

I feel a tear drop onto my red cheek

I run to field and sit behind a tree that no one goes too.

I feel the breeze lightly brushing against my face and I instantly feel like a weight has lifted of my shoulder .

A few more tears run down my cold cheek but I use my icy cold finger tips to wipe them away. I can't get my head around what's just happened . I mean he didn't even run to look for me instead he wrapped his arms around Emma. I want to feel his warm hands wrap around me and feel his warm minty breath light brushing against my neck while his head sinks into my shoulder . I wish I could be Emma I mean what does he see in her ?

Then all of a sudden I feel a light tap on my shoulder and see ....Grayson?

"I wanted to let you know that I don't like you so don't get it twisted ok" He says sternly

I just look at him then look away not bothered at this point because all I can think about is Ethan...

"Do you got it?!" He says raising his voice a little more

"Sure" I say bluntly

"You may not like me but I know for a fact you like Chamberlain and she should've went for you instead of Ethan" I mumble in my head but realizing I didn't say it in my head but I instead said it out loud. I quickly cover my mouth hoping he didn't he what I had just said.

"W-what I don't like Emma!" He says stuttering for the second time today. I can't help but notice his cheeks a light shade of pink.

"OMG GRAYSON YOUR FUCKING BLUSHING" I laugh while jumping up and down

"I am not" he says trying to defend himself
"But I definitely know you like Ethan" he smirks

God I hate that ducking smirk!!!

I was about to defend myself and say no but that's when it hit me.....

I like Ethan.


Hey y'all ! I'm so sorry I haven't updated . I had a lot of exams but again that isn't a excuse. I hope you have enjoyed this book so far and feel free to tell me if I spelt anything wrong.


Tammy likes Ethan?!
Will she tell him?
Will she tell Grayson?

Find out in the next one!!!

- J1

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