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I'm here ... poised between life and death.
I have two choices ...
The first : I step back and save myself.
The second: I step forward and fall from the 5th floor.
A small part of me tells me to choose the first option, but the other part of me, tells me to finish it.
As I have already said are in the bilic between life and death.
I close my eyes and I take a deep breath.
I try to break away from the railing but I can't.
I try to lean out, but I can't.
Start thinking...
What did I do to deserve this?
Nothing... I couldn't do Anything.
Whit parents who take drugs, that you  are not close to you.. They beat you .. They mistreat you.
At school I can't have peace, even here they tease me .. They don't know what's behind the silence.
Whoever is silent does not always consent,Maybe he has no choice.
Everything  is falling me.
I remember everything.
Everything I've done and Everything they've done to me.
I hear a door wide, the person, reveal a boy, He screams up? "What are you doing? Stop" I won't move.
"Please watch me.."He continues, but I won't move.
" I'm the post it guy" I turned immediately, saw a dark boy.
"don't end it like this ... We find a way together .." He pleaded.
"Why are you here?"
"I don't want you to die"
"Do you think I change my mind after this sentence?"
"Ridiculous" I turn my back to the railing.
"You can tell the people you've tried, but not everything can succeed"
After that I leaned forward and left the railing.
I hear a "no" scream, but now I was falling.
I closed my eyes and a tear fell, I smiled and waited for the impact with the ground...

                                         The end

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