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Abbie sighed to herself as she walked through he house. It was awkward ever since bex had left. No one knew what to say to each other. Abbie smiled as she saw Lexi who was there "what are you doing here?" She asked as Lexi rolled her eyes and looked to Abbie and smiled "our sister has gone for the second time and I know how it effected you the last time and as much as I hate to admit it, this is my family" she said as Abbie looked to her and smiled "are you okay" Lexi asked as Abbie looked to her and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "I don't know, it's just all a mess isn't it, I mean it's never going to change. I'm the youngest daughter and let's be frank I'm always going to be wrapped in bubble wrap because of how bex is, mum thinks I'm like her and out of control but she knows nothing" Abbie said as Lexi looked to her and smiled.

"It's not your fault abs your s teenager girl and your living on the golden girl bexs shadow" Lexi said as Abbie looked to her and smiled "I guess so, let's me frank. None of this is going to change is it" Abbie said as Lexi looked to her and frowned "what do you mean" she asked as Abbie looked to her and sighed as she stood up "I mean it's always going to be about bex and it's not going to change, not a thing we do will be good enough for mummy dearest, no wonder dad had an affair and left" Abbie said as Lexi looked to her and smiled "don't compare yourself to bex, your not her and as far as mum is concerned bex will always be her favourite" Lexi said as Abbie looked to her and smiled.


Later that day, Abbie got to school and stood in the hallway as Tom walked over to her and smiled "I heard about bex, you okay" he asked as she nodded "I'm fine, just leave me alone" she said as she went to walk off. He frowned to himself as he walked after her and grabbed her arm and pulled her as she turned to face him and sighed "I know that your hurting okay but don't, don't go there and don't push me away I love you and don't push me away" he said as she looked to him and sighed "I'm fine just leave me alone" she said as she walked off as he looked to her and sighed.


Later that day, Tom walked into Karen's office and looked to her and sighed "I know that your going through a lot but Abbie hasn't turned up to afternoon lessons" he said as he looked to Karen and Lexi who stood in the office "what is it?" Karen asked as Lexi looked to her and sighed "I could be wrong but I was talking to her earlier, I think she's gone after finding bex" Lexi said as Karen and tom frowned all three of them unaware of just how about had been stabbed and was fighting for her life

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