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"STOPPPP. NOOOOOOO." Am I having a panic attack? Why can't I stop crying? Why am I screaming? I need Chandler. That's it. I need Chan. I grab my phone off the night stand as I'm continually shaking in my bed. "Hey babe" Chan! I-I nee-ed you tooo com-ee home." "Omg. Monica honey what's wrong?" "I think I'm having another panic attack" "Okay. Okay. I need you to breath. Okay breath with me. In...........and out. In........and out." Chan-dler its not hel-ping" I say as I continue to cry even more. "Okay sweetheart. Just stay on the phone with me. I'm leaving now." I don't know if I can wait that long. It feels like something is taking over my body. Like I'm going numb. I'm shaking violently and have been crying for hours. I probably should have called him before it got this bad. He can calm me down faster before it gets full blown. It started as an anxiety attack but got out of hand. "Mon honey you there?" "Ye-ah. Chandler I ne-ed youu." "I'm close honey. I'm like 5 minutes away okay?" "Hurry." "I am baby" I can't do this. I can't. "STOOOPPPP. NOOOOOOO. CHANDLERRRRR" I just start screaming again and I can't control it. I hear the door open. And then I hear running up the stairs and before I can even blink I'm wrapped in Chandlers arms. "Shhhhh. It's gonna be okay. I'm right here. I'm right here." "I don't know what's happening" He sits me up and places me on his lap as I straddle him and his back is on the headboard. He strokes my hair and one arm is around my waist. "Monica honey. I'm right here okay. I'm not leaving" I calm down a little bit but am still crying and shaking.

"Sweetie what brought this on?" "I don't know. It started as an anxiety attack and then got out of hand." "Next time call me when you start to have an anxiety attack so I can help you okay?" "Okay. I'm sorry" "You have no reason to be sorry. Do you want to go take a bath and have a glass of wine to relax?" "Yeah." "Red or white wine?" "White. Can you get in with me?" "Of course. I love you babe" "I love you too Chan" We both get a glass of wine and get in the bath tub. My back is to Chandlers chest. "Hey Mon?" "Yeah?" "Can I tell you something?" "Anything Chan" "Well-" he turns me around and gives me a passionate kiss. "Well.... I needed to tell you that-" "Chandler just tell me" "Okay. Okay. I love you" "That's what you needed to say?" "Yep. It's really important that my wife hears that at least 100,000,000 times a day." "Well I love you too. My husband needs to hear that at least 100,000,001 times a day!"

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