Chapter 2: the Inheritance Conversation

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Naruto wakes up, with an arm around him. He looks for the origin of the arm, to find it's Anko's arm. He tries to move her arm, but can't. Then he tries to wiggle out, and he is successful. Naruto leaves a note, and leaves his new home.

Naruto leaps out, and onto the street. He sticks to the shadows, and alleys. The masked blonde doesn't want to get noticed. Even if he has the mask on, his clothes gives him away.

He made it to the Hokage's Tower. The blonde opened the door, and walked straight past the receptionist. When she notices him, she starts yelling at the boy. Naruto barely listened, but caught some of what she was saying. She was yelling something about how the "Demon Brat" doesn't deserve to talk to the Hokage. Naruto reaches the Hokage's office, and knocks on the door. He hear a quite come in. The blonde walks in the door. The Sandaime sees the boy he considers his grandson, and asks, "What do you want to talk about?"

Naruto says, "I know how my parents are."

This shocked the old Hokage. No one knows who his parents are, except the Clan heads. He was sure they didn't tell him. If they didn't, then who did. The Sandaime shook the thoughts out of his head, and asks, "Who told you?"

Naruto says, "Kurama, or the Kyuubi no Kitsune did."

The Sandaime asks, "So you know everything about that night, then?"

Naruto says, "Just what the Kurama remembers."

The Sandaime asks, "Could you tell me why it attacked the village?"

Naruto says, "Sure, but Kurama is not an it. Kurama is a he." He starts explaining what Kurama told him. He told the old Hokage about how the masked man attack the shack, his mother was giving birth in, and how the masked man ripped Kurama out of his mother. The masked man then put Kurama in a Genjutsu.

The Sandaime nods at the info Naruto gave him. He asks, "Since you know who your parents are, I'm guessing you want something of theirs. Is what I'm saying true?"

Naruto nods, and says, "I want my inheritance. I want their will, their money, their jutsus. I want everything, but the house. I want to know why you hid it from me."

The Sandaime thinks it over. Anko, Kakashi, and Jiraiya could train him. He was sure that Anko wanted to train them. The Sandaime inwardly nods, and says, "I'll give you everything, but the house. I won't announce that you are the son of the Yondaime, until you become Chunin. He was very powerful, and had many enemies. Which included Kumo, and Iwa. If they found out you were alive, they would put you in the Bingo Book, and your head would then be worth millions of dollars. You'd be hunted by Kumo, and Iwa while you are weak. It be an easy kill for them. So I'll have three people train you."

Naruto asks, "And who are these three people that are going to train me?"

The Sandaime says, "Your mother Anko, her boyfriend Kakashi, and your godfather Jiraiya of the Legendary Sannin."

Naruto was angry. He could shake every stare, but having family abandon him was something way different. He yells, "IF HE WAS MY "GODFATHER", THEN WHY DIDN'T HE RAISE ME?"

The Sandaime was shocked. He never seen Naruto mad. The Sandaime says, "He is a great ninja, but a horrible person to raise a baby. Though every time he comes, and reports to me about what he is doing, he asks about you. This shows that Jiraiya does cares about you, but he's never been good about showing it."

Naruto nods, accepting his "grandfather's" answer. The Sandaime then gives Naruto an ornate box with gold piping. The brown wooden box had been wrapped with a thick bright red string. The gold piping represents his father, Minato Namikaze. While the thick bright red string represents his mother, Kushina Uzumaki.

Naruto grabs the box, and unties the red string. He opens the box, to see two sets of scrolls one red, and the other is yellow. But he sees one that is both red and yellow. Naruto takes the read and yellow one first. He thought it would be his parents will. Naruto opens it, to see that it is his parent's will. He reads the will. It says,

"I, Minato Namikaze, give my son, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze ownership over all of my things. This includes all of the businesses Kushina, and I owned. I give Naruto ownership over my half of our spa, called the Golden Fire Spa and Hot Spring."

Naruto then opened the two-toned scroll to find his mother's will. It said the same thing. It gave him ownership over all of her things. Even all the businesses, including the Golden Fire. He cried after reading both of the wills. He wished they were here with him. He wished he didn't have to read their will, until he was an old man.

Next he grabs a red scroll, and opens it. Naruto was confused to see nothing in there. The Sandaime saw his confusion, and told him to channel his chakra into the scroll(The Sandaime taught him a little bit about chakra, and chakra control). So that's what the blond boy does. When he does, a magnificent katana appears, between a puff of smoke. The handle was pitch black that was wrapped in red cloth. The sheath matched the red cloth. Naruto unsheathed the beautiful sword, to find that the blade was as black as the night with no stars in the sky. It had the kanji for Red Death etched into the base of the blade, just above the handguard. The kanji was painted in gold. He puts the katana back into the scroll, and then grabs a yellow scroll. Naruto opens it, and once again channels his chakra through the scroll. A three-pronged kunai appears out from the scroll. Then Jiraiya walks in through the window, and sees the kunai. Jiraiya asks, "Is that what I think it is?"

The Sandaime says, "Yes it is. Apparently, Minato, wants Naruto here to carry on the name of Konoha's Yellow Flash. Also you, Kakashi, and Anko are to train Naruto. They probably have a plan so meet with them."

Naruto puts everything back. He throws up a peace sign, and leaves the office. The masked blonde then makes his way out of the tower, and back home.

An hour later he makes it home. Naruto wanted to make sure that no one would see, or notice him. He had his parents will, and their most powerful jutsu in his hands. Naruto walks into the apartment, he now called home. He sees Anko, standing in the hallway. She sees the box. Anko asks, "What's in the box, my little Hebiko?"

Naruto says, "The birth parent's will. Along with jutsu, a sword, bank info, and many more. I haven't really looked through it. Jii-san said he could give me all of this, but not announce my heritage until I became a Chunin. He also said that you, Kakashi, and Jiraiya had to train me."

Anko says, "Let's dye your hair, and then train." She grabs the dye, and tells Naruto to follow her. He does what he is told. Sure he likes his blonde hair, but it gives him away as being the "Demon Brat", and that is something he doesn't want.

So twenty minutes later, Naruto returns with violet hair. Kakashi gives a lazy thumbs up, while Anko saw shocked. He could pass of as her, and Kakashi's child, but the bright blue eyes were the dead give away that he wasn't their own flesh, and blood.

Anko getting those thought out of her head, says, "Time to start training."

She then describes in detail all she was going to teach him. Seduction, and the basics of being a ninja. So Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, along with Shurikenjutsu. Kakashi explains that what he'll mainly teach Naruto in isn't usually taught until one become Chunin. Elemental Jutsu, along with Kenjutsu. Just then Jiraiya come in a window, explains that he'll teach Naruto in Fuinjutsu, the Rasengan, the Summoning Jutsu, and Sage Mode, once your body is strong enough to handle it.

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