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"Tell me, are God's afraid of the dark?"


     The creation of the gods and goddesses began around 5,200 years ago; but the destruction has only just begun. It started with the angels falling from their heaven, storming the world with the echos of a shotgun; wings cradling around them until they burned shadows onto the ground. They marked dirt and terrain in symbols of peace, yet that only tore out all hope. It continued to the demons, skulls from all sorts of species rising from the ground like reverse quicksand.

Hell was never under the feet of humans, it was walking along side them the whole time, becoming them; or maybe it was them all along. Capturing and killing things unlike them, slaughtering ideas of youth, ripping into the earth. Even then, they never believed they could be the cause of their very own destruction, so they searched for a source that never existed. So, they made a divine move. Trapping the ones so much higher above them, forcing them to cave in and use their gifts on the mundane world. Not realizing that this would be their downfall.


Shattering screams collided with the water, every living being within a one hundred mile radius collapsing in a sudden death. Gaps in reality occurring upon skin, along with Sigils and chains of pure energy. A man who is titled a monster sits at the bottom of the ocean with his head tilted back, and mouth unhinged. Black hair whipping around him in violent sways. His eyes wild as he searches for a way out, there is always a way out. Powers dimmed along with blurry vision, being blinded with his own blood, strangling himself every time he battles to escape. Fear courses through him as he realizes, he will be stuck on his knees, bowing to the ones who will always be below him.

Whiro will be trapped for centuries to come.


Odin liked the water.
He liked the way it rippled against his skin soothingly, licking up his calves. He liked how temperamental it was, one minute it is the calm, and the next it becomes the storm. The water had emotion, rolling against him and spreading  warmth across his mind when he was sad. It would swell with rage when he was angry, lifting its waves into punches of its own. The sea had a defense mechanism, one that not even it could predict. It was stunning, it was his escape from the life of supposed luxury and from his house when it didn't feel so comforting anymore.

Perhaps that is the beauty in it being his personal hell for years to come.


Glaring into a mirror in which was made of desire, Eros held his hand out to caress the silky fabric glass. His eyes watered and his mind fogged, contemplating his loss. Digging his fingers into the mirror, scratching and piercing it with loud screeches along the way.
Heartlessly staring at his eyes, he scoffs, slamming his palm on top of his face, shattering his image. Eros picked up a shard of glass, it's reflection switching from beauty to war, only for it to crumple to the ground as a pile of fluorescent sand.

Eros no longer understood the meaning of love.


Many called him Lucifer, some called him Satan, he was the taboo topic in church; the one that nobody could ever really feel comfortable saying the name of. He preferred not having a name at all. His eternal damnation changed his name from a blessing to a curse. So watching the holy ones fall with wings aflame, minds corroding, and bodies slamming into the earth was certainly enjoyable. They sentenced him to hell, to learn a lesson which was never made. Only to be sentenced to death, by the humans who they cherished more than family.

The first to fall, was the only one left standing.


They were never meant to make it out alive.
When the killer was sent out, all God's made a run for it, they are no different. Scientists say that there are seven doppelgängers scattered across the globe, paths never meeting, which made this meeting so much more catastrophic.   Their essence merging into one, the auras battling for the same host, collapsing the human which was already there. Apep, Anubis and Ptah became a being with more power than before. The bones of their past smashed into one another, creating a new book in the world of the gods.

Who are your really?


Hades sat in a field of heartbreak. Corpses scattered around the grass, watering the plants in ichor, keeping the bugs warm. Hades cradled his head with his hands against his knees scratching a his scalp and shivering on his throne. It's my fault. His head aches with visions of his family, trying to keep their voices and flaws in his head. It's my fault. His throne slowly grows over him in roses and gold, attempting to comfort him- but the roses wilt away. Encased in darkness, bleeding from his skull, he breaks. I'm so sorry. Golden flams erupt in the field, burning the olympians, burning all gods. ITS MY FAULT.

Hades screams haunt the dead.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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