Chapter 1 - Welcome to Queen's Town

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I planned to close my eyes for just a few minutes but I guess the all-night packing tired me out more than I realized. My dad is parking a car behind the apartment building that will be my home for the next 8 months. God, I can't believe it's already been 4 months since I went back home (my real home) for the summer. Times flies everywhere except for here in Queen's Town. I leave my family to unpack the car while I go ahead and unlock the front door to the building and the door to my apartment. We have 5 hours to unpack and get settled before my flatmate is set to arrive - I'll tell you more about her later. 

The emptiness of the apartment makes it seem so much quieter; it's no different compared to the silence outside. Besides the locals, Queen's Town becomes a ghost town in the summer because half its population comprises of students from King's College. King's College is one of the top undergraduate schools in the country. I don't mean to brag when I say that it was one of my safety schools. I didn't choose King's College because it was my safety school though. I was accepted into every university that I applied to but I knew that King's would give me something that all the other schools couldn't give me. 4 years worth of memories.

Well, now it's more like 3 years because I decided to act like a hermit during freshmen year. The most adventure I saw all year consisted of anything I saw during my walks from my dorm to my classes, my classes to the library, and from the library back to my dorm. I wasted a year because I didn't want to be another person to fall victim to the culture-shock of college. I heard too many stories of teenagers flunking classes because they were too busy being distracted with parties, new friends, and exploring their sexuality. It wasn't until final exams in spring that I met people that seemed to have a good balance of their academic and social lives.

I know what to expect out of my academic life this year. I could no longer blame my lack of social life on my fear of failing classes. I've been told countless times that my years in college would be the best years of my young adult life. I am determined to make that happen. Maybe I'll join a club, a Facebook group, or even Tinder. Okay, definitely not that last option. Whatever I decide to do, I hereby promise myself that I, Madeline Halstead, would make the best out of my sophomore year of university. If there is any FOMO moment, by the end of the year, I will have failed my mission and broken this promise to myself.

There's something you should know about me - I'm not one to break promises.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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