Everything But Only Nothing

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Justin Collins

My fingers twitch, the feel of soft blanket under my fingers comforting, yet my fingers feel oddly sticky, and wet, like I dipped my hand in blood. I open my eyes to a blank room highly unlike my own. Then the pain sets in, like little aches first, turning into broken pains the next. I cry one name, Mama. I go to get up, thinking taking a walk would make me feel better, yet soft restraints stop me.

Where am I? It was only a thought but it caused me large amounts of hysteria. I shove and push and pull at the restraints until I tire. An unseen door opens, the sound jolting me up, and I take the opportunity to find out where I am. "Hey! Hey! Look, listen to me, I need to know where I am..." A male approaches, wearing all white, holding a needle. He gives me a questioning glance. "Your at the psychiatric hospital, in a place called Blacke. Don't freak out okay, but I need to give this to you." Blacke huh? I look at the needle with suspicion. "What's in it?" The nurse male person gave me a reassuring smile. "It's only here to calm you down. I'm gonna need you to sit still." I do the exact opposite, not trusting the dark look in his brown eyes, matched with an insane smile. "Hold him down." The unseen door opens again, and two guard looking people dressed in black haul themselves into the room and head towards me, their arms at the ready.

I scream and screech but eventually they are able to hold me still. "This will only hurt a tiny bit, okay?" I try to shove myself away from them, but I fail.

The needle slips into my skin hotly, pain escapades through my arm but I ignore it and take it non-flinchingly. I feel myself relax, and lose feeling in my body. "Do you feel better now?" The man asks, and nods at his friends as they release me. The two men leave the room.

"Alright, now that your calm, I wanted to ask a few questions." I nod, my body still unresponsive. "We found you inside your home, all bruised, everything else inside your house gone. Can you tell me why?" The look on my face must've been shocking, because his expression softened. "You didn't know...Okay. Tell me what you do know." I nod, and swallow the pressure building inside me.

Should I tell them? Would they understand why I've never told anyone about it before? I decide not to bother telling them my sob story. It would make me look weak.

The man must have understood this, because he left the room in a hurry. I sigh, and begin to work some feeling into my fingers. Before I know it I'm asleep.

A sound jolts me awake, an uneasy feeling taking part in my chest. "Hush child. I won't hurt you...Much." The voice of a man. I knew it wasn't a doctor or even a nurse. It wasn't even human, that much I could tell. "It seems to me you can tell right. I'm a mind reader, so all thoughts you have on everything and anything will go straight into my head, like a link. I simply can't help reading about your mind, it's like an open book."

I smile, and call me disgusting, but I immediately think of porn. I hear a sharp intake of breath as the intruder sees my thoughts. I can't help but laugh at that. "Enough fucking around! I'm here on business, and on a side note you truly are mortally disgusting!" I stop with the laughing, suddenly serious, and I know the intruder can tell from the change of atmosphere.

My intruder steps away from the unseen door, allowing me access to see his true form, and my mouth drops open. I'm not gay, but this guy was some serious man candy. "Why thank you." Oh fuck. He can still read my mind. Great.

His hair, like a golden sun, I began to adore, as well as his icy blue eyes-Wait. These aren't my thoughts. This bitch is trying to make me gay for him! "Get the  fuck out of my head." He chuckles, pure pleasure on his ice cold face. "I don't think your here to make me pronounce my fake undying love for you." I want the man to get to his point and leave, yet he just stands there observing me.

"Alright. You want to know why I'm here? Im here to do this!" The intruder runs to me, in an inhuman speed, flattening me against the hospital bed. He opens his mouth and I watch as long canines unlike my own reach down and attack my neck. I try to scream yet the man grabs at my mouth to shut it up.

Through the intruders hands I scream. "Let me go! What the hell is wrong with you?" It then becomes clear to me now that this thing was not friendly, but something else exactly the opposite. He was a vampire.

Just as quick as the intruder latched onto me I feel his hands grabbing at my neck, strangling me. "I'm sorry to be doing this. It was an order. It won't be so hard, but just for your first time, I'll make your first death the most painful, for it will be the most pain you feel in years."

I swear this dude is spouting shit from his mouth, I thought, as he let go and whipped out a knife from the endless pockets of his only now worth noticing jacket. I cough, the burn of him strangling me trapped inside my throat. He slashes at my chest, the pain overtaking a useless comment I was about to voice, replacing it with a scream instead. I could feel the blade close to my heart, the beating of my heart sounding faster and faster. "Oh bother, we shall finish it up now." The knife slips into my skin, straight to my heart within a second. I go limp, and pass into the abyss I call hell.


Hey guys, I'm going to start going from different POV's now so keep on reading!!!!

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