Our Reasons

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"I was shunned for my music." - Ibuki

"I was screamed at for my tastes." - Sonia

"I was pinned for my 'creations'." - Souda

"I was left with nothing but a death sentence." - Komaeda

"I was transformed into a monster." - Hinata

"I was kicked out from my life." - Owari

"I was teaching them to kill themselves." - Nidai

"I was outcasted for my quest." - Tanaka

"I was working for my mother." - Hanamura

"I was injecting myself with pain." - Tsumiki

"I was trying to live somebody else's life." - Twogami

"I was standing up for myself." - Saionji

"I was following my master." - Peko

"I was looking for an escape." - Kuzuryuu

"I was left without anywhere to go." - Koizumi

The fifteen people look at you, their outfits torn and bloodied. One stood up. "We met her. She saved us. We didn't die," He loudly pronounces.

"We despaired."

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