Chapter 1

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In an hydra base

Steve: You go right, look if there are survivors left.

Bucky: Okay, go!

Bucky walks around and sees someone standing with Strucker.

Then suddenly a stone wall appears in front of him.

He goes to Steve

Steve: Did you find someone?

Bucky: There was a young woman next to Strucker.

Steve: Where are they now?

Bucky: Well after they saw I saw them a wall appeared in front of me.

Steve: Fury needs to know this.

In Fury's office

Fury: Where there survivors?

Bucky: Yes, I saw a young woman with Strucker

Fury: No, uhm how did she look like?

Bucky: Uhm dark brown hair, not that tall, slim I guess

Fury: It's impossible...

Steve: What?

Fury opens a file of a woman

Fury: Is this her?

Bucky: Yes, why?

Fury: This is Dallas Knight, also known as Stone Hart.

Steve: Isn't she supposed to be dead.

Fury: I thought that too, but as you can see she's not.

Bucky: Does she have any powers or something.

Fury: She asked to be an SHIELD agent but she's to dangerous, she has the power to make stone do what she wants, but every time she does that her eyes turn black. Her name also means that she won't love or trust anyone.

Bucky: Then why was she with Strucker?

Steve: She has Strucker as a hostage.

Fury: Get the team ready, we need to find her before she destroys the rest of SHIELD.

Everyone is ready standing in a group in front of the tower.

Natasha: So why are we here?

Fury: We are waiting for hydra.

Natasha: Did I understand that correctly? Waiting for hydra?!

Fury: You did, there is a person in there we want fo-...

The alarm of the tower goes of and glass is shattering

Tony: Fury, what where you lying?

Natasha: Are you guys staying there or are you going to help?

Tony: Coming...

In the tower everything is broken and there is someone in the couch drinking some alcohol.

Steve: Who are you?

Dallas: You did see my file didn't you?

Fury: What do you want?

Dallas: You think I'm answering that easily, how about guessing huh?

Bucky: Just say it.

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