Missing You

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This is for my friend KittenIshApple on discord! I love you sm kitten owo, ty for requesting my boys. Also I apologize if this seems a little rusty, it's been a while!

Ship: SwagNut (SwaggerSouls x iNoToRiOuS)                                                                                                          Desc: Swagger comes home to find his lovely boyfriend asleep and heartbroken in his own bed, while Matt remembers a happier time.                                                                                                                      Warnings: A little bit of angst but mainly fluff.


He knows he shouldn't be this emotional, this much of a pussy, but he can't help it. Eric had been gone for two weeks now in America visiting his dad, visiting his old friends. He's seen the pictures of Eric and his old school friends, being happy together in a bar or in someone's basement. Why does he have to miss that smile so much? Why does he have to be such a baby?

Sniffling, Matt pulls Eric's old college sweatshirt over his head. The boys had all gone out for drinks, leaving him alone in the house. He had originally wanted to go, but then he remembered Eric and his first date as a couple, quickly killing his mood, causing him to shut himself up in his room feigning sudden sickness.


"You ready baby?" Eric asks, holding out his arm for Matt to take.

"Yeah" I mumbled, blushing at the nickname. Eric smiles fondly at my shyness.

"Let's rock and roll, then" He exclaims excitedly.

I giggle, "You sound like a dad, Eric". He throws his eyebrows up, almost as if saying 'really?' and proceeds to pull me out the door and into his car.

"Where are we going?" I question, buckling my seat belt. He hadn't told me where we were going, only that it was a 'surprise date'.

"You don't need to know quite yet, darling." he replies, leaning in and quickly kissing me on the lips before putting his car in gear and backing out of the driveway. I stutter quietly, blushing bright red as I sink further into my seat. Eric chuckles lightly at my flustered state and lightly takes my hand in his as he drives along the interstate. Before long, we reach a small, gravel road that leads deep into the forest. My anxiety spiked slightly, knowing that a boy taking you deep into the woods at night is dangerous, but I quickly reminded myself that this was Eric, I had known this man for years, and that I was being irrational. He quietly pulled off into a fork in the road, and parked his Jeep off into the grass.

"We're here" He stated, his voice shaking slightly.

"Wh...where are we Eric?" I question. Eric doesn't say anything as he exits the car and opens the door for me. I blush lightly at the sentiment and follow him onto a small path in the woods. It didn't take long for the path to open up into a clearing, surrounded by small willow trees and wildflowers. The area was illuminated by fireflies that seemed to dance in sync, while the center was adorned with a small blanket, a simple basket, and some candles. The sentiment was overly cheesy but overall gorgeous as the entire aesthetic was pulled off by the stars that lit up the night sky. You could see every constellation as far as the eye could see, which was a rare sight these days from light pollution and clouds.

"Eric I.. I don't know what to say." I pause, in awe of the whole situation. "I love it, it's so gorgeous." Eric seems to breathe a sigh of relief as he leads me over to the blanket, where he pulls out a bottle of expensive looking wine and two small glasses. Quietly and shakily, he pours himself and I a glass, handing it to me while we press our glasses together with a small clink, and take a small sip.

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