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Yellowfang: Ah, a puny apprentice! Easy prey for Yellowfang!

That one line makes me wonder. Dun dun duuuuuun

Would she eat him? O-o

Yellowfang: Nuuu.... *Slurps some orange fur* What are you talking about??

Other than that Yellowfang rocks. I feel bad for her getting pressed into being a medicine cat, although it was the probably the right place for her.

Side rant on Yellowfang: What the dark forest were you thinking StarClan? It's hardly fair to punish Yellowfang for breaking the medicine cat code with  tyrant kit who is bloodthirsty and evil, while Leafpool, (Who broke the Med cat code AND the warrior code) Gets three amazing (Sucky) kits, two of which who will save all the Clans.

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