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Although the smoke lit was dark in colour which symbolised danger in the shrine ,and all the warriors of the four communities were to report there immediately without hesitation or queries.they knew it was black because they couldn't see it but the light was visible from afar.if the smoke was red that meant danger in one community between the four and they should be ready. if the smoke was blue that means an elder in one of the four has passed away and the other elders must attend to that funeral in order to pay respect.never in the history of all the shrine been lit black and this came as a suprise but all in all the warriors left for the hill top where the smoke came from.the first pack of warriors to arrive was the valley community. their speed was unmatched, they could run twice as fast as a cheetah the problem was their speed never helped them to win any battle against their nemesis which was the lake community. the elders of the valley community came in a few minutes later and surprisingly the shrine keepers were not there meaning there was no answer to the question."what is wrong"?one of the elders asked without getting a reply.
A few minutes later the second pack came in which was the western community, the warriors were huge and muscular, had no quarrel with any community. they were nine foot tall and were short of ego like a dwarf. wasn't long before the lake warriors arrived and began to cause chaos for the valley community. luanda magere who was second in command of the lake warriors began picking on koech the captain of the valley community saying that all their men are weak and can't protect their women let alone themselves, this lead to a fight between the two community warriors.
The lake warriors can't strike the valley warriors because they were too fast for them and the valley community's trial to hurt them were futile because the lake warriors transformed to a silver like rock and none of the valley warriors arrow's could penetrate and cause harm instead due to the speed they released the arrow they shattered into pieces the minute they touched their nemesis's body. as the fight was gaining momentum suddenly, none of them could move and all the fourteen warriors knelt down but not of their own will. this was the work of the kisii tribe who were feared for their black magic.they lived in between the lake community and the western community and were an indigenous tribe but very powerful, every single child in their tribe was taught the art of black magic.they had no warriors because each member could stand on his or her own against anything that stands before them. an elder from the kisii tribe began lecturing both warrior groups telling them that the shrine was a place to be respected and not a place to bring their child play,"if you don't respect one another then you don't deserve to be a warrior of anything" said an elderly man from the kisii tribe.
The smoke began to accumulate in one place as the lecture was ongoing but in the wisp of the smoke her face appeared, she began with greetings which never got an answer as they all were still contemplating what's happening before their eyes. she appeared as a hologram in the smoke,the kisii men never knew that things like this were possible.she snapped her fingers to get their attention ,which she got but with the things she mentioned sent chills in the spine of the elders and not to the warriors." you might not believe this but you are all in danger, the castaways are being freed at this instance and the more time we waste the harder it will be to save even a single life" said syokimau.
The lake warriors pride was higher than the hill they were standing on and began to brag on how easy it will be for them to kill castaways with their might, the next picture they were shown was not embraced and the silence that came with it tells how afraid they all were. this was a picture of a creature referred to as lang'o by the lake community,it has been ages since they last saw one because they were all banished from the land and sent into exile under the lake, where they have built a whole civilization.
lang'o is a creature that no one can touch because they are in liquid state and can replicate anything they touch and even look better than the original. these creature were the ones keeping the lake community warriors busy before they had the time to pick on the valley community. many of the warriors met their doom trying to fight the lang'os from invading their lives, but it has been around five hundred years since their banishment and no one alive even knows how they look. each community had something planned for them by koitalel and his followers who were also part of the community but were sent away,had a spell casted on them in order to keep them away for good.most of them were misfits and didn't deserve to be sent away but if you were on the bad side of the elders they arranged for your demise, since they couldn't kill you directly.the castaways population was ten times that of all the communities in the land, its not that sex was the only thing that they could do but that was the only option they had to kill time beside waiting for one's time to kick the bucket without eating, farming and stuck in a place hotter than a desert by far and the cold night could turn you to stone finding companion during the night wasn't an option. basically they could only imagine how life would have been good if they were sent to live in the forest with the wild animals rather than staying in one place just waking up to nothing and going to sleep the same, the heat was toture and that's not enough one can't sweat or bathe, water was an enemy to them.
Syokimau told them she has a plan to save all communities but they had all to travel to the eastern community as soon as possible but all the medicine men, women,wizards,witches and rain makers had to leave immediately.they should only travel at night so as to be safe from the castaways, and having their bodies possessed by evil ancestors .she asked them to leave immediately and assured them that all the the shrine keepers had already left the shrines and are on their way to the eastern community .they all left the shrine with tails between their legs, without talking to one another.
At that moment no one knew what to say not even the boastful lake warriors, luanda who was second in command started telling the others that the woman was not real and she was messing with their heads," no one alive can release the lang'o from captivity, right?" said luanda as he was asking his captain onyango. "are you seriously asking me,? we are the same age, why not ask the elders!" said onyango to luanda. the elders didn't take it as a hoax but they too were not sure, word on how great syokimau was wasn't s new thing to them and that's why they decided to give it some time before making haphazard decisions.
The valley community elders had no reason whatsoever on going to the eastern community, infact they had a plan to eradicate the lake community warriors from the living to the ancestral realm. they made a pact with the only community with an idea of how vast the land was and were allowed to enter all the communities but only to trade. this was the central community and they had a trick up their sleeves that no one knew, they were cunning and telepathic and some could compel other into doing what they wanted.
The pact between the central community and the valley was that they should get them someone from the eastern community who can craft a weapon that can tear through a rock, a few days before a child was brought to the valley community and it so happens that she was a daughter of one the architect who made weapons for the eastern community. she too was taught by her father to make weapons from anything and for three consecutive days she has been making that weapon and it was almost done.
As they all went to sleep, everyone couldn't help but wonder when they will be attacked. almost all the communities thought that the attacks would begin that night so they were prepared enough. only the kisii tribe left that night for the told land, unlike the other three communities around them.the night passed, nothing happened and in the morning the lake community began making jokes about syokimau's prophecy saying that it a hoax and there is no evidence of lang'o around. on the western community things weren't so different, critics came mostly from the women and all was going well. people went through their normal routine as if nothing was wrong. to the three community things were smooth as usually except the valley community where it was songs and dances due to the fact that this day the completion of the weapon created for the them was underway.
Their plans was to eradicate all lake warriors so that they will live in peace without picking on them. on this day the central business men were to come for the girl and return her home, but they didn't so she had to spend another day there even after completing her task. the elders called for a meeting together with the warriors and planned to give out the most beautiful girl to the captain warrior of the lake community as a spy. she was to collect information about the community at large and where precisely the warriors lived so that they could attack on night and kill all lake warriors on single night. which they all agreed to and asked koech to take the message. koech saw that the darkness had already swallowed the light. "can't I do it first thing in the morning?" asked koech , yes! shouted all the elders ecstatically.
In the Western community there had began problem where by all their crops had began to Wither and die while ss their poultry which they all loved so much died all with the light. the lake community never experienced a long night like this one ever in their history three lang'os came up from the ground and began putting of all the fire. luanda was in onyango's first wife's hut having a conversation when screams called them out, they both rush out of the hut only to find themselves in the presence of a glittering creature more like a diamond but in liquid form. seeing this luanda's hand began to transform without him knowing but onyango saw it and was amazed because he did not ask help from the ancestors.
Before he could tell him, luanda charged at the creature on to be hit and sent unconsciously destroying the captain's warrior who had already transformed came trying to fight the lang'o thinking he was invincible but what happened made the captain not transform. the lango turned in liquid form and mixed with the warriors rock coat and turned him into a solution then left the rocks shuttered into pieces with the warrior nowhere to be found. as luanda gained consciousness he asked the ancestors to grant his transformation, which they did but he saw the captain held up in the air by two lang'os hand and legs stretched side ways and one of the lang'o had a shining instrument held in it's hand facing the captain. all over sudden there was a blinding lights emitted from the instrument after that the lan'gos left the captain to fall as they went underground. as luanda opened his eye he saw the captain down and the other warriors looking confused. he went straight to try and help his captain up but when he touched him and try to wake him up there was no response.
The captain's body was not bleeding but his heart was not beating. luanda sat down with his transformation slowly diminished. the whole community came to mourn where the captain's body layed. they had lost two warriors and that's when the elders decided to relocate the whole community to prevent more loss and death. they were told to leave immediately and carry anything they could but the children were sleepy and couldn't travel at night. they all decided to wait till first light and no one should leave where they were all crowded. aside from having no food the western community had not seen the best of what the night had to offer, they were in their hut and some families went to sleep but it wasn't long after the last light in the community went before weird noises were heard outside.
Boom! boom! knocks on every door woke everyone, they all opened their doors only to find their fellow men out. after talking for some minutes they went back to their huts. after some few minutes when men had pulled their hides ready to sleep the same happened, this was getting on their nerves and that's when one elder asked his wife to take the biggest pot and put some water in and boil it. this took a while and when it was done he asked hi wife to place the pot inside the hut. he unscrewed the door from the hinges of metal that held it and pretended to close the door then placed the pot behind the door. he then put of the light and then waited for whoever was willing to cause unrest in the community. the culprit got to the door and did the usual only to find themselves inside the pot of hot boiled water.they began screaming which caused the community to rush to the elders hut, they came with torches ready to burn whoever it was. the elder and his family came out of the hut running with a speed that could propel a jet to fly.
"They are alive" said the elder while running. other began running from what they didn't understand but the warriors stood there waiting for the captain to tell them what to do, wafula the captain lead them to the hut and saw two old people whom they had recently buried screaming in pain. two of the warriors helped one another to carry the pot while carrying it on their shoulders. the whole community followed them as thew wanted to know who were screaming. but as they were heading to the place they where meetings of the community were held the screaming abruptly stopped. when they got there and put down the pot they only found bones and rotten carcass floating on the water, at this time it was about two hours past midnight.and the elders came to an agreement to leave for the eastern community at first light. when the sun rays were seen both the lake and western community had left their homes heading to the eastern community where they thought they will be safe.

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