Random Headcanons #8

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-Lani once called Thoma: Thomato

-Thomato- I mean Thoma called Lani: Lonnion

-Yuugo doesn't like trees for sone reason

-Phil can play ukulele

-Ray secretly loves tentacles

-Yuugo doesn't know whether to approve or disprove

-Don once dabbed and broke Gilda's glasses

-Ray likes Touch off  by UVERworld

-Alicia loves Lamp by Cö shu Nie

-Ray loves Asphyxia by Cö shu Ni (I had it on loop while writing this XD)

-Norman wants a waffle

-Phil wants a baguette

-Shelly wants a slice of toast

-Carol wants fluffy pancakes

-Thoma and Lani want Koka noodles

-Emma can play clarinet better than Ray and Squidward

-Ray = Yurio on ice

-Phil singing is the most cutest thing in the world

-There's also a bit of tension between Emma and Yuugo when there's one cookie left on the plate

-As well as best twerker, Don is the best dancer

-Well, apart from Nat of course

-Ray once swore at an omelette and Carol overheard him

-She attempted to copy him and then Ray got in trouble

-Nat wants to eat a lemon

-Don liked watching The Numberjacks when he was smol

-Norman also wants a penguin

-Don once slapped Ray in the face with a slipper by "accident"

-Jemima once accidently threw an apple at Ray's head

-Phil accidentally threw an oreo at Ray

-Norman once threw a chess piece at Ray

-Join the Ray Protection Squad today and help stop this Ray abuse

-Zack once cosplayed as Yato

-It was absolutely fabulous

-Nigel cosplayed as Yukine with him

-Barbara and Cislo love Durarara!!

-Pepe wants a mouse

-Paula is secretly great at guitar

-Ray likes blue roses

-Emma likes white roses

-Norman likes orange tulips

-Phil likes snowdrops

-Jemima likes lavenders

-Alicia likes red roses

-Don likes daffodils

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