Chapter 28

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“you want to make a deal with the devil's daughter?” I ask and he nods “I know how your father loves making deals so I knew you were the same”. I shrug “what's the deal?”.

He stops a few steps near me “I will help you if you only destroy midgard and not the rest of the realms”, I stay silent thinking. “deal” I put my hand out and he takes it, he breathes sharply in pain and quickly takes his hand back. “you burnt me” he looks at his hand and sees a mark that has a wolf outline, “the mark will go after the deal is carried out, if the deal is not done…” I step towards him leaning up a bit because he's taller than me “... Let's just say you don't want to find out” I whisper and walk off.

I glance at the time, perfect it's early meaning people won't be ready to react. I wave my hand and my clothes change all black and a cloak appears on my back, I walk to Loki and he glances at me.

“time to have fun” I grab his arm and teleport him to outside the avengers facility, there's not many queen jets because of how early it is but there are a few scientists and agents walking around.

I take out my bow and shoot an explosive arrow at one of the doors, it goes off making people yell and start running. A few agents run out holding their guns up, I put my hood up so it covers most of my face, “good luck” I whisper to Loki and teleport away so they can't see me but I can still see them.

Agents surround him and he puts his hands up, I hear a familiar sound and smile. A metal suit lands infront of Loki “Loki?! Why are you here?” I hear Stark ask.

I teleport into the science labs knowing that it won't be as guarded because of a certain god stood outside, the scientists in the lab all start to move away from me. “leave” I say making them all fumble out the door, I get to a computer and start typing away.

I smile and press a button which makes an AC/DC song play through the building. I carry on typing leaving the song playing, the wall moves showing a bunch of weapons and armour.

“oh my beejees” I gasp walking to the weapons, I gently move my hand over them stopping at something that looks like a gun.

back in black” I sing along with the song while looking at the gun.

“stop right there!” I hear a voice yell behind me, I grab the gun and turn to the voice. “put the gun down” Natasha says aiming two handguns at me, I smirk “I don't think you'll shoot”.

She frowns trying to figure out my voice, I pull my hood down. She gasps a bit lowering her guns, “bad mistake” I say but before she could react I teleport infront of her and kick her making her fall through the door. She stands up quickly but I shoot her in the leg, her eyes widen as she stumbles back a bit.

She jumps at me trying to attack me, I put my arm out catching her around her neck. She wiggles trying to get free, I tighten my hand and she gasps for air. A tear rolls down her cheek, before she blacks out I throw her across the room. She lands with a thud, I walk back to the weapons putting them all in a large bag, I put the back on my shoulder and teleport outside.

I quickly put my hood back up and teleport in between Stark and Loki, Stark steps back a bit. “thank you for your cooperation” I say, he stays silent confused at what I was on about. I punch his chest making him slide back across the floor, I turn to Loki and grab his arm to teleport us away.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm and look at it, I see a dart in my arm. I look back at Loki “did you just tranquilise me?”, I stumble back falling to my knees.

Agents try to grab me but I grab my gun and start shooting, they all move putting their arms up. I stand up stumbling a bit, I hear someone land behind me. I turn hitting the metal mask making him step back again “we need another dart” he says through the suit. I hear a whoosh sound and quickly grab the tranquilizer dart, as I grabbed that one I felt a pinch on the back of my leg.

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