Chapeter One

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The story of Uraraka Ochako is a complex one. It truly can't be explained properly with words. One cannot simply put the hundreds of thousands of hours, of days, of moments that made her. The beauty that was Urabitii, the emotions and memories and cherished moments experienced with her must be told. Must be known, and I have been given the task to tell it.

As my sensei has told her and I plenty of times. The best place to start, is the beginning.

Doodling, the most mind numbing, but amazing thing humanity has ever invented. But it wouldn't help the brunette with the case of hunger induced insomnia she was sporting.

The floor boards creaked, it was late, too late for her not to notice. The neighbors had been home for hours.

" Just to be safe, never too cautious. Right?" Muttering under their breath, barely making a sound, Ochako opened her closet door and picked up the metal bat . Inching closer to the door to the hallway, just by the entrance to their cramped two room "apartment" if you could call it that .

Her parents wouldn't be home for another 3 hours, they had recently needed to work double shifts but she didn't know why . Working at the diner strangely paid well, but that didn't matter now. The neighbors wouldn't care if it was a burglar as long as they didn't hurt them.

It was the slums, all they could afford anymore. They'd had to sell their nice house to make up for their company building catching fire. Now her parents were considered a joke in the construction business. "If their building caught fire, think of what will happen to our homes!" They had to work at a fucking noodle house in the middle of the night just to make rent because of the slow business.

She took a few practice swings it had been a while since she played any baseball. Everyone thought she was cheating when she did any good.

Three... Two... One!

The door slammed open with a bang she hit them in the face.

The cry came out, a bit too late...

"Ochako! I'm ho-"



"MOM! What are you doing here?!?! I'm so sorry, I thought you were a robber! Oh god. Did I break your nose? I'm so sorry! Here let me just -" She rambled while scrambling around looking for a first aid kit. "It has to be here somewhere. It has to."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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