Welcome Home! - 5

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Scene # 1

Taehyung still had a room in his mind where confusion laid in the form of questions that were

"Why did I leave law school mid way?"

"Why did I break my engagement with my fiancé?"

"If we had got married then why did he not meet my parents?"

But setting aside them, Taehyung stirred a conversation

Taehyung: So how long were we together? Excluding the marriage

Jungkook: Two years

Taehyung made a face of amusement and said

Taehyung: Wait, why are we heading into the downtown?

Jungkook: Darling, we live here

Jungkook smiled as Taehyung had a face of pure shock. Jungkook said

Jungkook: I even have a surprise for you back home

Taehyung was left puzzled, he observed the area around him very carefully as it was passing by

Scene # 2

Jungkook and Taehyung arrived at their home, there beside the door was a sign hanging "Home Sweet Home".

Taehyung looked at Jungkook as he pulled a slapstick comedy stunt in front of him while fishing keys out of his pockets.

Jungkook nervously smiled as he put the keys in the lock and with a 'tik' sound they were inside the house.

Taehyung being the feisty one, barged into the house, Jungkook happy at the surprise he had and trotted inside the house with the bag in his hands.

Taehyung had a frown on his face as the lights were off in the house. Taehyung opened the lights as Jungkook was two steps behind and,

Everyone: Welcome home, Taehyung!

Taehyung froze at the spot, holding his breath. There were many people inside the house as there was written 'Welcome home' on the wall of the fireplace. There were certain decorations as people clapped, a happy Jungkook came behind a flustered Taehyung and whispered in his ear

Jungkook: Like the surprise?

Jungkook smiled whole-heartedly as Taehyung jumped a bit and said with confusion and discomfort visible in his eyes

Taehyung: Uh... Yeah, i- it's n- nice

Taehyung said with a flustered smile and then someone came and hugged Taehyung as he said

???: We missed you Tae! You even missed the big news!

Taehyung, confused, looked at Jungkook as he replied

Jungkook: Oh, he's Seokjin, but we call him Jin-hyung

Taehyung looked back at Jin and scanned him up and down as he smiled again but a discomforted one. Jin was holding his bloated abdomen from the lower midsection as a bit darker and taller than Jin guy came and held him from the waist as he said while holding a red plastic tumbler in his hand

???: Taehyung, you know how much Jin missed you, he wanted to tell you about the baby first, even before telling me!

The pink haired man stated as a pout came on his face, Jin kissed it as Taehyung looked at Jungkook again and he said

Jungkook: He's Namjoon-hyung, he's younger than Jin-hyung but they're engaged and are planning on getting married

Jungkook stated with a smile as Taehyung looked back at Jin and asked

Taehyung: You're expecting?

Jin nodded contentedly as Jin took Taehyung's hand and placed it on his bloated abdomen. After a while Taehyung felt a kick as he was first amused then flashed a boxy smile. Then a voice arose

???: Don't forget us, we're expecting too and twins!

Came a person with hearty smile and was walking towards TaeKook, the taller one holding the shorter by his waist. Taehyung observed that the shorter had a bit big abdomen than Jin's.

Jungkook: The taller one's Hoseok-hyung aka sunshine hyung and the shorter one's Yoongi hyung, he's also older than Hoseok-hyung but they're married

Jungkook smiled as Hoseok returned his smile Yoongi just glared at them and was being grumpy until Taehyung approached him. This time Taehyung stirred a conversation up

Taehyung: So, you're expecting twins?

Yoongi grumpily nodded

Taehyung: May I feel them?

Taehyung politely asked Yoongi as he glared at him first, then sighed and took both his hands and placed them on his abdomen, it was not even a second when Taehyung felt two kicks under his hands, first beneath his right then left. Taehyung giggled

Scene # 3

Taehyung, after meeting the two couples, was constantly hugged and hugged. He became so uncomfortable that Jungkook had to cancel the surprise party mid way, now, Jungkook was at the door saying farewells

Jungkook: Bye! Have a safe ride! And sorry that the party was cut short!

Friend: No worries man

The friend smiled at Jungkook as he closed the door to his house and went back. Taehyung was in their room, frustrated, Jungkook approached him and asked

Jungkook: Hey, what happened?

Jungkook tried to put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder when he flinched away and said

Taehyung: I did not expect this kind of bomb, right when I arrived home!

Taehyung, in a shaky voice, states as he starts saying

Taehyung: What do you expect from me? To just go easy like "Hi! How're you?". No, it was frustrating!

Taehyung stated as his each word got louder. Jungkook understood his situation and said

Jungkook: Darling, p-

Taehyung: I'm not anyone's darling!

Stated Taehyung in a stressed yet crying tone which hurt Jungkook a little but he concealed it and said

Jungkook: OK but please don't stress yourself, it's not good for your health, I'm sorry that I did that, I thought you'd be happy to get know your previous friends an-

Taehyung: Leave me alone...

Taehyung said in a quiet voice which Jungkook obviously heard and said

Jungkook: Listen m-

Taehyung: I said leave me alone! Please!

Taehyung shouted as tears streamed down his face, Jungkook didn't want to stress him further. Thinking that he's having a difficult time digesting the reality, he stands up and goes out of the room leaving a sobbing Taehyung behind. That night, Jungkook slept on the sofa, thinking about Taehyung and how to take care of him and certain other things. He just prayed to God that he returns him his Taehyung back and without knowing drifted off to sleep

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