Chapter 1

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My name is Mayumi, I am 15 years old, and I live on my own. Why? Because the world has ended, I havent seen a human, no, a live humans face in years. Im not sure what happened, im not sure anyone did.

Most of the human race had disappeared.  All I remeber was my father came home from hunting early and sat my mother, my older brother and I down to talk to us. I was about 9 at the time.

   He just looked me in the eye and said, "The time has come, you must leave us." I remember I started crying, asking what he ment, why he was saying those things. I looked at my mother for help, but she had her head at her hands crying. My brother looked at me with no type of emotion. " Go get you and your sisters things. " he said. "Wait-! Where are we going?" I cried out. He came back with 2 already prepared backpacks, he stood me up, put the other black bag on me, grabbed my hand and lead me out the door without saying a word. I pushed him and tried to force him to let me go, but his grib was strong.

His name was Hiroshi, 16 at the time, he had the same dark brown hair as me and dark brown eyes. His appearance is what let him have a normal life, he got to go outside and play with his friend. My borthers friends family was the only other family i knew existed. But for me, it was different. I have stayed inside our old little house my whole life because of one thing. My eyes. I hated my dark blue eyes. I dont mean the normal blue eyes, my eyes where as dark blue as the paint I painted with.

     My parents would always tell me that I was very very special, and that bad people wanted me because of my eyes. I didnt understand them at first, mostly because I didnt know anyother people existed.  But I think I started understanding about after 2 hours of walking with. Hiroshi We we deep in the forest. I was on his back half asleep while he held both of our bags. Then he sudenly stopped.  I lifted my head and blew my long brown hair out of my face when I saw a row of men dressed in black with  big guns pointed at us. I hadn't seen so many people before, and it scared me. My brother put me down slowly, "stay behind me" he whispered. "You can take our things, just dont hurt us...". "What..." I whispered.  One of the men with a gun put his gun down and laughed.  "HA! Yeah! Thats what I thought!" He started towards us, but then stop and was looking me right in the eyes, horror in his face. "Th- thats a..a ..." Within a blink of an eye my brother tossed me one of the back packs, opened up his and pulled out a pistol and shot the man. "RUN!!" He yelled at me.

  I didnt want to, but the look in his eyes said he ment it. I turned and ran, within moments I heard multiple gun shot go of and stop in a second.  I knew he was dead. I kept running and running, my lungs hurting. It had to have been another a hour before I stopped. I fell to the dirty ground in tears, and cried myself to sleep. It was September 8th, 4673, that my life changed forever.

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