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3. Peace, the year of the Phoenix

Dear Angel,

Today mom has returned from her trip and let's just say that she wasn't happy about the state the house was in. We didn't really take care of the house as much as is necessary because we were too busy doing fun things.Mom didn't appreciate when my siblings told her so. I knew better and said nothing. I just agreed with everything mom said because that was the smart thing to do.

She is the sweetest person ever, but when you do something bad she can get really mad and if I am being honest, mad mom is scary.
When dad gets angry it is not so scary but mom...
Let's just say that I never want to anger my mother.

So the moment she said that we were going to clean up the house, I was ready to go while my siblings complained loudly.
I don't understand how they never did manage to learn their lesson.
This has happened so many times before, and yet they always manage to get into even more trouble by not staying quiet and doing as they are told.
But hey that's good news for me!
They usually end up doing the most difficult tasks, because of their incessant complaining.
Of course, as always I used a bit of my magic to help them out and as usual, our mother pretended not to notice.
She is an awesome mother!
Although she can be very strict, she is also the most loving person that I know and no matter what we have to do as a punishment for our misbehavior, we still love her to pieces.

Her happiness and positive energy have helped us go through so many things and I don't know what we would have done without her.
I mean, dad means well, but sometimes it feels like I am an adult, and he is the child.
He is not as responsible as a mom is, never has been, never will be.
So when I need solutions to problems I go to her, and she always helps me.

I have been teased a lot. Not only because I am the only fairy-elf in existence, but because I talk the way I do.
They tease me because I know things and according to them I talk too much like an adult, but mom has helped me see that is not a bad thing.
It is just part of what makes me unique.
When she explained how different we all are and how difficult it is for others to accept us she managed to make me feel better.

What made all of us feel good when we had a bad day is her stories.
Although she has always been telling us bedtime stories, on the bad days they would get even better, they would make us feel like anything was possible, like we could conquer the world.
The best thing about it, though, is the fact that we know that all of those things really happened, to her and dad.
I remember this one particular story that I made her tell more than once because I loved it so much.

One night, we were all tucked in, lying comfortably in our beds after an awful day, a bad encounter with the fairy children, when mum sat down on a chair facing us and started telling us the tale of their life.

"Once upon a time, before either one of you graced us with your presence, there lived a beautiful princess and a dashing young prince.
They came from two different kingdoms, but what brought them together was something stronger than any magic or spells, true love.
Although their growing love for each other knew no bounds there were those in their kingdoms, and even the kingdoms beyond, who thought that kind of love should not be.

For you see, it was their belief that the kingdoms should stay close to each other but never unite.
Their lore told them that two kingdoms uniting in any way or form would bring about a great disaster that shall fall upon both of their lands.
They tried everything to stop the two young royals but nothing they did or said made them abandon their love which they knew was pure and just, unblemished by any curses the other so often foretold.

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