Chapter three - going home

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I was in the hospital for three nights it was hard to get to sleep because all you heard were the buzzers going of and the smell of cleaning products my hair was a big mess my make up was horrible i looked so drained and pale trust me it wasn't a nice look.

My phone missed the WIFI as soon as i turned it on notifications were filling up my phone one ding after another i cheeked them all Facebook Snapchat and Instagram they were all messages saying were are you why weren't you at school and blah blah but i saw a new contact trying to message me i messaged them back to see if i knew them.

Unknown: Eva???

I messaged them back saying yes that's me it didn't take long for a reply

Unknown: It's me Becca don't worry I'm not some stalker Lolz

I couldn't believe it she still had my number for all of these years i was happy about that i missed her so so much i just didn't know till today i need our friendship back i want it back i wanted Ali and Brit to be nice to her and not treat like she is a know one because she is someone

 Eva: Oh hey Bex :)

I pushed send it felt different and relaxing to be honest i wants looking afford to tomorrow because i had to start back at school again who ever says school is great are lying pieces of s*** because its not it  is a living hell especially when it's exam time of the year i was looking afford to going to sleep in my own bed and not the hard old cold bed at the hospital. As soon as i lay in my own bed it felt comfy, warm and snuggle but for some reason i didn't want to go to sleep i was to busy worrying what tomorrow would bring me it felt like i was back in the same place when i closed my eyes that hell of a place it was dark and scary i heard whispers playing over and over again In my head.

The alarm went of at seven in the morning i reached out to turn the alarm of and then sat in my bed for about 5 minutes thinking of how i was laying in the forest for about 17 minutes with my head bleeding i could have died if i wasn't found. Were ever i looked i saw the number 17 like 17 minutes to school the number wouldn't leave my head

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