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emerson beckett was painfully normal, save for a few moments in her life. she was a foster kid, having been given to the system since her mom had been so young when she gave birth and just couldn't afford it. being a foster kid could have been worse. sure, she'd had the run in with a few adults who were really only in it for the money, and yeah, sharing a room on occasion was a huge pet-peave, but besides that, it wasn't all that bad.

of course, she had the usual "teenage rebellion", or at least, what she considered it to be. being seventeen and stuck in an almost suffocatingly strict foster home really took it's toll, so sometimes, she'd sneak out. not to do anything bad really. most of the time she and a friend just went to the mcdonald's right down the street before returning for the night.

the last thing she'd expected though, was to have a knife held up to her throat on her way back one night. luckily, a previous foster family had made sure that all the kids had at least basic self-defense. after giving the would be killer a bruised foot and bleeding nose, he runs off, surprising emerson. mostly because he looked incredibly familiar, as if she'd seen him online somewhere.

that was the start of more "teenage rebellion" than she was ready to handle.

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