Soul and Maka: Soul's Dream

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"Soul are you listening to me" Maka asked tugging on the boys long white bangs. Soul peered down at the girl who's head was resting in his lap her emerald eyes baring into his.

"Sorry I was thinking, say it again." He said stoking her sandy blonde hair.

"I was just talking about this book I am reading nothing important, I could just tell you weren't paying attention but no worries go back to relaxing I want to finish this chapter before we head home for the night." She said burring her nose back in the book. Soul sighed, he couldn't have been happier. Nothing seemed better than laying on the cool grass in front of the academy with the girl he loved. Most guys would have been dying of boredom but not Soul, every once in a while Maka would smile or giggle at the book she was reading and that was what made it all worth it.

"I love you Maka" Soul said with a genuine smile, the kind of smile he only showed Maka. The girl looked up from her book smiling from ear to ear, just as she was about to speak the world began to fade and Soul woke up.

It took Soul a few minutes to realize where he was. The dream had seemed so real, as it always did. Every night it was the same dream, it always took place in the same spot in front of the DWMA and it always ended the same way.

Soul sighed in disappointment, he prayed for the day to come that he wouldn't wake up from the dream and that he could finally be with Maka. In all honesty the only thing keeping the dream from becoming reality was himself. He had tried so many times but he could never tell Maka how really felt. He would come so close and then he would think of things like, "What if she doesn't feel the same way?". That would certainly be a problem, not only would Soul be crushed but it would probably break up the partnership and eventually their friendship would die as well, and that was it. Once his mind had gone to that extreme all thoughts of confessing had been thrown out the window. He couldn't risk loosing Maka, she was his first real friend and more importantly his first love.

"Soul are you awake" Maka's voice boomed through the apartment.

"Yeah I'm up" Soul replied groggily.

"Well hurry up we are going to be late." She yelled back. Slowly Soul climbed out of bed and got dressed meeting Maka at the front door only moments later. "Ready?" she asked with a grin.

"After you" Soul said opening the door for her and closing it behind them.

The morning classes seemed like they would never end, it wasn't like he ever actually paid attention but today he had been extra distracted. For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about the dream, it didn't help when Maka had laid her hand on his back and whispered into his ear.

"Are you ok Soul " she had asked breathing into his ear, he had almost passed out causing Maka to be even more worried.

"So what's up with Soul" Tusbaki asked while they changed for gym.

"Hell if I know" Maka replied pulling off her tie and tossing it into the locker.

"Did you two get into another fight?" The girl asked.

"No, actually the exact opposite. Things have been great between us, he has been acting extra nice. For instance this morning he opened the door for me, it actually starting to creep me out" she said shutting her locker and walking toward the field.

"You're so dese Maka-chan." Tsubaki sighed following behind her.

"Ok kids I want the guys to run laps and the girls to go play volleyball, go!" Sid yelled.

"This is so not cool" Soul barked as the began to run.

"Totally" Black Star agreed, "so what's up with you man, you've been acting really out of it lately."

"Nothing" Soul lied.

"Don't lie to me, I know something's up! Is it Maka?" The blue haired boy asked.

"Why would I be thinking about Maka!" Soul laughed, but his rosy red cheeks had given him away.

"I know how you feel about her man, why don't you do us all a favor and just tell her already!" Black Star yelled.

"All of us!" Soul shouted, "how many people know?"

"All of us know, well except Maka" he said.

"I've tried to tell her a million times but what if-" he began to list all the ways his confessing could go wrong but Black Star cut him off.

"Don't 'what if' me! Just tell her, whatever happens I know you all can work it out. After all this is you and Maka we are talking about, I'm sure it will all be fine."

"It will all be fine" Soul thought hours later as he sat in the grassy spot in front the school waiting for Maka to finish her part of the cleaning duties. Maybe Black Star was right, he should just tell her. Even if she didn't feel the same way they could still be friends. Maka would understand.

"I can't believe you waited for me" a voice said from behind him and instantly Soul's confidence dropped and once again he decided to not tell her.

"Well I couldn't just let you walk home by yourself now could I" he said standing up.

"Your so weird Soul" Maka giggled staring up at the setting sun. "Wow the sky looks so pretty tonight" she said not watching where she was stepping. It was to late, Soul would have warned her but her foot had already been caught by the hole and she had already begun to fall. Soul raced to her rescue and caught her in his arms just in time for them to both tumble over the hill. After a few seconds of rolling they reached the bottom, Maka was now laying on top of Soul.

It didn't take Soul long to realize the situation, he and Maka were so close, so unbelievable close. The fact that his arm was throbbing didn't even bother him, all that mattered was Maka. Soul sat up, Maka still resting in his lap,

"You ok Maka?" Soul asked.

"You saved me" Maka breathed into his ear a tear rolling off her cheek and onto his hand. That was it, that was all he could take and without any further thought Soul cupped Maka's face and kissed her. All his worries and fears melted into the kiss.

"I love you Maka. I love you so freaking much it hurts and I have held this in for so long but I can't hold back any more. I am in love with you Maka Albarn and there isn't a thing on this earth that could stop me from loving you. I-"

"Oh just shut up and kiss me Soul" Maka yelled pulling him back into the kiss and running her hands through his silky white hair. A few minutes passed and the two pulled apart, Maka reluctantly rolled off her partner laying her head in his lap and staring up at the sunset.

"I love you Maka" he said looking down at her waiting for the dream to end, but this wasn't a dream.

"I love you too Soul."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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