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Day two of the trial was nowhere near as riveting or successful as day one.

Greene presented my suit as evidence, and Jason was quick to counter that I outfits like that were sold in costume stores all the time (mine was specially made by Aunt Bethany), but thankfully they didn't pick up on that.

There was no real winner that day, and the jury left looking like they weren't sure how this was going to go.

And neither was I.

Day three, a few more witnesses including more cops from my arrest, the janitor at City Hall, and Greene crushed us that day. Jason wasn't on his game.

Then again, Jason seemed very sapped of energy lately and I considered firing him just because sometimes he looked like he was going to pass out. He told me his doctor said it was fine but all of this stress can't be good for his heart.

Day four and day five were spent debating over tapes and I would be lying if I said I didn't doze off during it. Another day of no clear winner.

I'm due in court tomorrow, and I have a feeling it's not going to be my last.

Neither side really had the upper hand in this right now, they're both really incredible lawyers and have so much good evidence, it's really tough to see how this is going to turn out.

But Jason told me he had a plan. He had witnesses that knew about me and that would make up stories to keep me out of jail. He made receipts stamped at the right time, created security footage, he was going above and beyond to get me out, even jeopardizing his own innocence in this whole thing.

I was really going to have to scrape together some cash to pay him, even though I knew he wouldn't take it. The only payment he wants is probably me, just my love. And I do love him, but not in the way he wants, so I was hoping he would settle for that.

Logan hasn't visited at all and it's really starting to worry me. I would've thought that he has gotten over this by now. Thoughts of him being dead on the living room floor flashed into my mind every now and then, but I had to stop and remind myself that I haven't heard anything which means he wasn't dead. Then again, Jason wouldn't tell me so I don't stress even more about the case, so he really could be dead, but I had to hope that he was just still mad at me.

"Logan, I don't know what your problem is," I had said from the jail phone. "But please just come see me. You can come to court again if you want just please, I need to know you're ok."

Hanging up on that call was awful knowing that he wasn't on the other end anyway.

To pass the time over the days, I've been hanging around Viper more. From what she said to me the other day, I've started to trust her, and I'm worried I made a mistake.

For all I know, she could be the cop, and this is exactly what she wants, but of course I was going to be careful around her.

And yes, this time around I am being careful. I'm not taking stupid risks and I'm not over analyzing, I'm just being cautious.

"And breath." The giddy yoga instructor said. "And release. Great job, everyone!"

"I really hate yoga." I moaned, cracking my neck. "Can't we go kickboxing instead?"

"We could," Pixie started, motioning to herself and Red. "You can't. Fight track records have to be clean for at least a month, maybe I should've told you that before you whooped Hound's ass."

I frowned, really regretting ever breaking Hound's arm.

"You should try knitting," Red suggested. "It's good for anger management."

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