one ;

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"well, this is it!" michael exclaimed, holding his arms out to the empty office.

i examined the place with a smile. nodding, i turned to michael. "this'll be great."

- - -

today was my first day as regional manager at dunder mifflin scranton. i was up at 5 in the morning getting ready, to the distaste of my best friend and roommate, billie. as i passed by her room to go to the bathroom, she launched a pillow at me through her open door. i dodged, it yelling "too slow!" from the bathroom.

- - -

i checked my phone. 6:30 a.m.

i sighed and looked in the mirror above the sink.

i tucked my hair behind my ears and examined my face.

i figured that extravagant makeup was too much for an office job, so i grabbed my makeup bag and took out concealer, liquid highlighter, tinted lip balm, mascara, and a nude eyeshadow. 

i applied my makeup and closed the bag. i left my bathroom, making my way to the kitchen. i decided to skip a second cup of coffee, as i had just brushed my teeth and meeting your new employees while having coffee breath sounded like a nightmare. 

billie was sitting on one of the stools at the island, drinking water and scrolling through instagram. "i hate you." she said, not looking up from her phone. "i love you too!" i replied, grabbing my hydroflask from the cupboard and filling it with cold water.

"seriously, did you have to be up at 5 in the morning?" she asked, finally putting her phone down. "yes i did, bil. i have to be there at 7 and you know very well how long it takes me to get ready." you said, leaning on the counter, facing billie. she sighed, getting up and grabbing her phone. "hm. well, good luck. i love you and you're gonna do great." she said, walking backwards out of the kitchen and pointing at me. "i know." i replied. it was kind of a lie.


it was already 6:45.

i dashed out of the house and got into my car, shoving the keys into the ignition.

i began driving, following my gps.

- - -

once i arrived, i sat in my car for a moment in hopes of calming my beating heart. i examined my face once more in the rear view mirror. i sighed, finallygetting out of the car.

i approached the doors and tried to open them but they were locked. of course. i rolled my eyes and started walking back to my car to wait for someone to unlock them. 

just as i got to my car, i heard someone yelling. i turned around and saw a man in blue jeans and a t-shirt waving at me and calling my name. i started walking towards him. i must be michael, and he must've unlocked the door from inside.

"hey, michael scott?" i asked, raising my eyebrows. "emilia caldwell?" he replied. "you got it." i said. michael wore a gaping smile for a moment before allowing me in.

he pressed the elevator button for me and we stood in the elevator in awkward silence. he was clearly sad to be leaving.

michael got out of the elevator first and made a right. he pushed open a door labelled 'dunder mifflin paper company' and entered the room. i followed.

"well, this is it!" michael exclaimed, holding his arms out to the empty office.

i examined the place with a smile. nodding, i turned to michael. "this'll be great."

michael grinned, gesturing for me to follow him. he gave me a tour as he described what the employees are expecting of me.

"well, you're probably gonna want to develop a few characters, maybe write some songs....and....oh! how could i forget, the dundies! the dundies are dunder mifflin-exclusive award show in which we give our most prized employees awards for their hard work. pam's our receptionist and she's married to a warehouse guy named roy. we always give her the 'longest engagement award'. she's been engaged to him for about three years." michael giggled. i raised my eyebrows and nodded slowly. it was a lot to take in.

the tour finally ended and michael sighed. "well, this is it. good luck, small one. i know you will do well." michael said. you smiled at him in response. "i'm out! colorado here i come, baby! and good-bye sweet dunder mifflin." he shouted, getting choked up during the last few words. feeling both confused and concerned, you waved at him until he left the office.

what just happened?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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