Take Me Back

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"I think with my heart and I move with my head

I open my mouth and it's something I've read

I stood at this door before, I'm told

But a part of me knows that I'm growing too old"

Kongos – Come With Me Now

 "He means to kill you," Cas pointed out.

Sam kept packing, "I know."

"He's not Dean anymore."

"I know Cas! I know!"

Cas pulled the bag that Sam was packing away from him, "Then why are insisting on going alone? That's idiocy, Sam. He has the First Blade."

"Because no one else is going to get killed by him, ever." Sam pulled the bag back towards him.

"No one but you, you mean."

He stopped shoving things into his bag and glared at Cas. "I can do this. I have to. I hinted that I was at the bunker so if he is planning something he will be thinking it will take me two days to get there. He doesn't know that we are less than four hours from Bobby's. I'll lay Devil's Traps, salt and whatever the hell else I can think of all around the place. He won't get three feet without stepping into something that will stop him. Then I'll exorcise him."

"You may want to rethink that," Crowley stated as he appeared on by the door of the hotel room. "I'm not so sure exorcism will work."

Sam grabbed Ruby's knife and threw it, Crowley barely moved in time. "You did this to him!! You son of a bitch!"

Crowley rolled his eyes and looked at the sleeve of his coat. There was a slight cut in the fabric which he held out for Sam to see. "Lovely. Yes, this is all my fault. Please. Grow up Moose. You were working up the balls to summon me and work out a deal, which I wouldn't have taken. I have standards. Your soul? Well let's just say that it has more miles on it than Dean's penis replacement that you still drive. Sloppy seconds, or thirds in your case. Lucifer, Gadreel..."

"We get your point Crowley," Cas interrupted. "Why won't exorcism work?"

"You think people haven't tried to exorcise Cain? He's still in his original body. There may be some rumors lingering about that the Mark and the Blade bind the soul permanently to the body. Rumors that I have just heard, mind you."

Sam stalked past Crowley to pull Ruby's knife out of the wall, it took every ounce of his willpower not to plunge it into Crowley's back as he walked back across the room. " Of course, you "just heard" them."

Crowley shrugged and put on his innocent face, "Hell's a rather large place. I can't be expected to know every piece of lore about archaic objects, can I?

Sam's hand tightened on the blade. Only Cas's hand on his arm kept him in check. "Cain's still out there, he would know for sure. Find him," Sam snapped at Crowley.

"Find Cain? Really? I didn't know the spell that located him, neither did Dean. Tara did, we were just bystanders."

Sam's long legs took him across the room in two steps where he towered over Crowley who backed up against the wall. Ruby's knife somehow found it's way to Crowley's throat. "Do you really expect me to believe the King of Hell who is also a witch, didn't happen to memorize the words and recognize the ingredients she used? Really?"

Crowley's eyebrow shot up, his hand moved and Sam went flying through the air to land in a heap at Cas's feet. "Play nice Sam. I didn't have to tell you that doing an exorcism would backfire, now did I."

"Why did you?" Cas asked as he helped Sam to his feet. Crowley didn't reply. "Ah, I see. You can't control him, can you?"

A frown took some of Crowley's usual superior look down a notch. "I'm letting him take the new powers for a spin."

Cas shook his head, "Which is taking longer than anticipated, yes?"


Sam closed his eyes, counted to ten and pushed his rage down, "Find Cain. Get answers. Come back. It's not hard."

Crowley tapped his lips with his finger, looked up at the ceiling than back at Cas and Sam, "Better plan. Cas and I help you trap demon Squirrel and take the Blade away. Then we take him back to that lovely little room you kept me in and figure out the best way to handle this. No need to get Cain involved."

"Let me translate that from Crowley speak to reality," Sam said, "Trap my brother, you take the Blade from us, then you take him with you to hell while he's powerless, lock him up and try to bend him to your will."

Crowley pursed his lips, "That's not a bad plan either."

Sam grabbed his bag, "Uh huh. Not happening. If you won't do it my way, stay out of it." He walked to the door.

"Sam," Cas spoke again, "I won't let you do this alone. I can either ride with you or follow you but I will be there whether you want me to or not. You're not the only person who cares or feels responsible in some way for this."

Cas saw the impact of his words as Sam's shoulders dropped lower and his head bowed. "Fine. Ride with me, no need for an angel to steal another car."


Sam refused to turn around, "What?"

"What Dean is now, there is no coming back from."

"Yeah? I almost cured you a year ago. Don't think I haven't been researching since then. There is always a way back. Let's go Cas."

They walked out, leaving Crowley alone with his thoughts, "Bollocks. Well, it could be worse. Dean could actually care about running Hell. He'd be harder than Abaddon to deal with." Crowley sent himself about two miles away from Bobby's. May as well be on hand for when things got interesting.

Sam peeled out from the parking lot and hit the road going as fast as he dared while still in the town limits. Dean, no, he had to stop thinking of him as his brother. All his talk of saving Dean was a lie, a lie he needed to show Cas. If Cas really knew what Sam had in mind he would try to stop him. He started sorting through the memories of when he was soul less, the cold, practical nature of that side of him. Sure, Dean was enjoying the killing but if he was coming after him he wanted a hunt, a challenge. Trying to save Dean would only get him killed because that is exactly what Dean thought he would do. His brother didn't know just how deep Lucifer had burrowed into his mind, didn't understand that the demon blood still called to him and it was only by the skin of his teeth that he hadn't backslid into addiction. Sam knew exactly what Dean was feeling, was thinking and what he needed. The irony of the role reversal wasn't lost on Sam, but the years had changed both of them, made them colder. 

Dean was already dead. He just had to finish the job. 

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