Chronicles of the Primordial Conflict

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       In a time before Terra's existence, beings known as the Ancients inhabited the nether realm. These Ancients were divine entities formed from various elements, possessing god-like attributes. The nether remained motionless within its darkness until the Ancients resolved to share their bestowed gifts with the desolate universe. As these gifts infused the nether, light awakened from its slumber. This transformation shaped the nether into the universe we recognize today. To humans, this event paralleled their big bang theory, or the act of their deities fashioning the cosmos. However, the true nature of these Ancients far surpassed the divinities humans worshipped. The Ancients were intricately interwoven with the world, comprised of the very elements that constitute the universe.

The universe's elemental forces gave rise to the group of Ancients:


Following the universe's inception, the Ancients chose to dwell alongside their creations, rather than observing from aloof heights. The land provided a nurturing space for Golems to thrive, within a world devoid of botanical life. With the absence of plant life, the Ancients began to experiment. Their initial endeavor, the Andromeda galaxy, turned out to be a failed experiment. Multiple planets followed suit, each resulting in failure. It was only 13.7 billion years ago that the Ancients unearthed the key to crafting the ideal universe. After further attempts, Terra emerged 4.45 billion years in the past. Life flourished here, although not without its shortcomings. The Ancients' inaugural experiment with animals succeeded, leading to the creation of dinosaurs. Over time, these dinosaurs proved unsatisfactory for their evolutionary purposes, eventually facing extinction, perhaps due to an asteroid impact as believed by humans.

Amidst their endeavors to spawn novel life forms, the Ancients convened in discussions that eventually escalated into discord. Death, differing in perspective from the other elements, aspired to control Terra rather than permitting its autonomous growth. The other five elements advocated for a hands-off approach, intervening only as necessary. This discord tore a rift within the group, spurring battles and debates that reverberated through the earth. As these battles endured, Terra evolved, and the energy surges from these conflicts caused it to diverge from its Pangaea-like form. This conflict spanned nearly 200 million years, and it inadvertently contributed to the emergence of the human race.

As millennia progressed and humans evolved, the Ancients learned to assume human-like forms to blend with their creation. In order to appear unremarkable to their creations, they obtained transformation keys that allowed them to retain their powers while adopting human appearances. The Ancients shared their knowledge with humans, who in turn revered them as gods. Thus, religions and tales of divinities were born. The Ancients themselves were then rechristened as Golems, entities molded from the universe's core elements.

Yet, some Golems succumbed to the allure of Death's influence, sowing chaos across the land. Within this tumult, humans hungered for conflict, power, and violence. Against these darkened Golems, humanity stood little chance. However, from chaos arose order, and those who opposed the chaos attained legendary status. A mythos was born—of good and evil, an unspoken war: the Battle of the Ancients. Unbeknownst to humans, this battle raged, with the true ruler destined to arise from the ashes of chaos and restore Terra to its former glory.

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