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Kieth usually gets home late at night when Virus is sleeping
but this felt different Kieth got home early

Kieth POV
I got home early off work. I had a surprise ready for him,for Virus. I'm very excited to show him! When I got home I unlocked the door then came in then locked the door behind me. The light where off I wonder if he is sleeping. I came into our room and there he was, Virus sitting in a chair with a small lamp on. Tapping his pen not know what to write I suppose. He seemed a bit stressed
but he is always is. I closed the door behind me quietly

Virus POV
It's been a couple of days and I still haven't been able to write about anything I really do want to be a author but I have been having a really hard time I don't understand why it just feels like I can't write at all. I got this strange feeling that someone came in the room with me. I turned around and there was Kieth we stayed silent for a second before I sayed something

No one POV
"Hello sweetie" Virus said with his ears a bit melted
"H-hi" Kieth said coming closer.
He got closer to Virus. Virus awkwardly stared at Kieth."um.." He said. Kieth hand a black notebook full of paper's to Virus. Virus looked happily at Kieth and hugged him "thank you". Kieth felt unusually small compared to Virus, but hugged back anyway. Kieth could still see a Bit over Virus shoulder. He saw that Virus had more like random words on the paper and one one sentence. He couldn't exactly see what was written on it. "It's getting late" Virus said "we should go to sleep". Virus crumpled up the paper and threw it away. Kieth when to bed. But Virus didn't he stood up and keep trying to Write but failed miserably

(More soon)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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