In Hell, Exhale

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Perhaps it's because Halloween month is coming up. Not sure, but this idea came to me a few days ago, and I just had to write it. So, I hope you enjoy this lil' short story. If you'll look toward the media section, you'll notice the incredible song "Breathe Me" performed by Sia. While it doesn't fit this story precisely, I put it on repeat while creating this.


"May you forever aspire to respire," she said, venom spilling forth with each additional word. "May every inhale you plunder cause you to feel you're in Hell."

Standing on the courthouse steps, she stared toward the incensed woman with a perplexed countenance. "What? What are you talking about, Agnes?"

"You'll find out soon enough." One hand placed on a waist greatly taken in by the corset underneath a flared skirt, Agnes did something most unladylike. The necessary amount of liquid collected and her lips set in the correct position, she spit at the booted feet of the confused younger woman. She sneered, eyes roaming that form. Boots, trousers, and a tie. What true woman would dress in such a manner? Agnes deemed the twenty-two year old a demon in every sense of the word.

"I don't understand." Fear prickling along her spine, she forced herself to stay put as Agnes landed on her step, moving so close that she could feel her breath upon her face.

"I don't care that you were just found not guilty. You took my father so now I'll control your life."

"Your father drowned." From the corner of her eye Cordelia spotted her mother approaching. Looking toward her, she shook her head, expression begging the woman not to come any closer. Hesitance suffused her face just before she turned away. She looked back in just time to witness Agnes's acrimony double.

"Because you allowed him to! His death is on your hands and soon enough I predict many others will be as well, Cordelia. May you burn in Hell on Earth."

Such a bubbly little thing she was. Seated in a recliner, Cordelia observed as she flitted about the kitchen chattering about everything and nothing all at the same time while fixing cocoa and chocolate chip cookies. It was a perfectly cozy scene. Although a storm raged outside, they were tucked away safe within the small cabin adequately warmed by a functional fireplace. The fresh baked scent of nearly done treats permeated the air while her girlfriend danced along to the upbeat song playing on the stereo.

Twinkling eyes caught the unreadable pair staring so one of them winked. "See something you like?" Grabbing the bag of miniature marshmallows, she proceeded to open it as carefully as possible.

A tiny smile curved Cordelia's lips. No, she didn't see something she liked. She saw something, someone that she loved. She hadn't planned it. She hadn't planned on getting close to her as Cordelia didn't like being close with people in general. The night she spotted Felicity inside a bookstore and approached with the opening that she didn't realize anyone but herself still read actual books, she merely sought a one night stand. Six months later, Felicity was the only woman she had been spending her nights with.

And now...she loved her.

It happened within the blink of an eye. Cordelia admitted that she was infatuated within minutes of chatting with Felicity at that bookstore. That infatuation grew to so much more over the days, weeks, and months. During one particular evening seven weeks ago, Felicity was inside her master bathroom looking in the mirror while using a long string of dental floss. Evidently a song played within her head as she rhythmically shook her hips while moving the floss in a way that would make any dentist proud.

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