chapter 4- Dread&Love?

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Meliodas pov

I flinched when my dad yelled at me. Earlier, when I had told Zeldris, he had told Dad. Now here i am. "YOU LET A FUCKING GIRL ESCAPE! SHE MIGHT HAVE CALLED THE POLICE!!" he yells. I wince and put my finger to my mouth.

"C-can you please s-stop..." I say. I'm only nervous around my dad. I gulp. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"
A slap was sent across my face. I whimper at the realization. My brother betrayed me. He didn't know.
I was torn. At one side, I was glad that my brother didn't get in trouble, and the other, I was mad that he told Dad.

I look at him then I hear a knock. "Come in." Dad said in a calm voice. I let my hair cover the slap mark and look at Zeldris, who walked in.

"'s you." Dad simply stated, then grabbed something. I Widen my eyes, then quickly Run and push Zeldris out. "Go!" I whisper to him.

"Why?" He asks, but I shove him and close the door, then lock it. I turn around to see my dad in front of me.


I wince. I walk out of dads office and quietly make my way to my room. I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly shut my bedroom door. A moment later I hear a light knock.

I know it is Zeldris. I open the door and he hugs me. I sightly hug back and look at him. "I-Im so sorry!" He whisper-cries. I smile.

"It's ok, Zeldy~" I say. He looks at me with disbelief. "W-W-what?" He asks. "You heard me!" I Chuckle. I then Close one of my eyes in pain. "My Arms hurt!" I laugh.

He lets go and leads me to the bathroom. Me makes me turn around and rolls up my sleeves. "You have cuts, Meliodas!" Zeldris whispers to me. "I know.." I sighed.

He grabs Antibiotics and wipes my back. Then he bandages me and lets my shirt go. "Thanks, Zeldris" I smile. I then walk out and flop on my bed. I Fall asleep.

'wake up'


I quickly sit up and bonk my head into Zeldris's. I groan. "Why would you do that?" I say, getting up. "Meh, I don't know!" He smiles at me.

I Chuckle and get out of bed. "Ill get ready!" I say. I walk to my bathroom and get changed. I then walk out and down the stairs.

I see some breakfast on the table and sit down. I eat it, then Run to the door.I walk to school. (Lol ran out of ideas there-)

Once I get to school I trip over someone and land on top of them. Blue eyes stare back at me. My face goes pale for a minute when I see Silver hair.

"Mph!" I feel my lips on another's. I look down to see us kissing. 'wait, WHAT!??' I thought. I quickly get up and touch my lip. "I-im so s-sorry!" I say.

She looks at me and suddenly blushes. "Y-you o-ok?" I ask, getting nervous. She gets up and walks towards me.

I gulp and stare back at her.
' looks nice~' a voice states in my thoughts. ' that's my bully, shut up idiot! No yes. No. Yes! Fine.'

I feel something on my cheek and I stumble back a bit. ' she bitch slapped you! HAHAHAHA!'

I growl a bit then look at the silver-haired girl. She was crying. Tears slid down her cheeks as she spoke. "You stole my first kiss, NERD!"

I tense up at that. ' how lucky, you got yourself a "girlfriend"'

I look at her and sigh. "I'm s-sorry, i-i j-just Tripped o-over you.." I say quietly. She glares before walking a bit closer. "A nerd like you doesn't deserve my first kiss!" She hisses.

"B-but i-i don't E-even know your N-Name!" I say, trying not to shake at the sight of the raging Silverette. "My name's Elizabeth Liones. It's a 'pleasure' to meet you" she said.

Elizabeth walks away and I sigh. ' your chance is ruined. I don't even like her! Shut up! Ok, ok, stop bottling up your feelings, lovebird'

I walk into the building then feel a stare. I look over to see The blue-ish Guy. He walks up to me and pats my back. "Names Ban. If you could, please don't touch Elizabeth."

And with that, I growl. I walk to class and sit down. Then my face heats up.

' finally get it, huh?"


Hello! If your wondering why I'm leaving this note, it's because....

School is Almost out!

And when that happens, I'll update more! Just in 1 and a half day! Well, I got to go now,

See y'all!

Word count: 811

Sorry if it's short!

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