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Life, a beautiful complex scenery built on love, happiness, hate and misery

To see the sunlight every morning is a blessing but not many

To love or to be loved dearly is what contributes greatly to humanity

To feel sympathy and empathy for each other is what our society should be

Sadly, it is the opposite in reality, so much hate, so much negativity

Too much jealousy in the atmosphere, too much envy

All this suffering, all these children starving

Violence and hatred have turned culture throughout the entirety of humanity

Is death really evil or is he a savior? Is death a transporter to a happier reality?

Is death the end or a new beginning?

It knows no discrimination; whether culture race or religion

Arms spread widely open to anyone who is brave enough to embrace him

Sad suicidal child bullied by carefree happy spoilt brat

He never meant to be different...He never mean to be bored by the oppressed society

You laugh maniacally tormenting poor child literally and figuratively

He's tired, time to load to the nine-millimeter

He contemplates who should live or die

Tonight, he's greedy shooting himself grabbing death's arm to be transported in an unknown world

Saying good bye to a the cruel world of the living and a very harsh bully

                                                                                                             Shane Wagner

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