Compulsive Sexuality and Romance.

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It's hard living in a world where sex and dating are almost needed to survive. It feels like I'm on an island and I'm too alienated from the social norm to input my opinion.

I'd like to say that I'm somewhat sex/romance repulsed. Whenever it is aimed at me I feel greatly uncomfortable. I find myself cringing when I see it forced in books or tv shows. It feels weird hearing my friends talk about sex.

But I don't mind when romance comes up in lives of close people to me. As long as they are happy, that is. I would hate for any of my friends to be in an unhealthy relationship.

I just dislike how friendship is apparently lower than dating.

Love - wether it be platonic or romantic - should not be demoted soley based on if you are friends. I have no idea why people seem to think that friendship is below being in a relationship. It is still love, and should be equal.

It just doesn't really make sense to me.

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