The War Begins

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Yona's P.O.V

We've been traveling for three days. Three days since we sent for the pirates, and we still have quite a ways to go before we get back to the oracle. I'm getting worried. Before there was a concrete goal, find the dragon warriors. We did that, then we had to find the dragons birth place and we did that to. Next, well next is a series of things. We need to build an army and take back the kingdom but I have no idea how we're going to do that. I realize that I don't know what the dragon warriors are fully capable of and now, now they're powers are growing.

The physical changes have begun to appear as well, each of them has gained another dragon like attribute. Kija's white scales have spread up across his back and have started appearing down his other arm.

Shin ah's eyes are no longer his only enhanced sense, his ears have turned pointed and he says he can hear as far as he can see.

Jae ha's other leg is transforming much like Kija's arm.

Zeno can now create his protective scales on demand, as well as form them on other people to seal up wounds.

Alya... I's a bit confused by Alya. Like the others her powers have enhanced greatly but the only noticeable physical difference about her are two lumps the appeared on her back. I'm worried but she said she had a theory about it. She won't tell us what she thinks they are, just that they'll help in the battles to come if she's right. Other then that she can create fire from a distance now. She can just look at something and set it on fire, so the boys better be careful around her from now on.

Hak seems pleased by this, I suppose I am as well. The dragon warriors in the legends were able to defeat armies alone, with their strength increased this much... but I'm scared.

What do I know of war? I grew up believing the kingdom was always at peace. Though my skills have advanced I'm still a novice at archery. But I'm prepared, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to reclaim the throne. Even if I have to kill Su Won myself.

"Princess." I look up. The others are all watching me, we've reached the edge of the forest. Ahead is the edge of a cliff leading to a deep canyon.

"Crossing this canyon is the fastest way. Jae Ha will have to help us get across." Alya says and I nod. We approach the cliff and I'm startled by what I see at the bottom.

"Soldiers, an entire battalion." Hak says sneering at them.

"We can wait for them to pass." Yun says.

"Yona?" Alya looks to me. I know what she's asking, she wants to know if I'm ready. She want's to know if I'm ready for this war.

"Taking them out will be a blow to Su Won's forces. Maybe not a huge blow, but a blow none the less. We take them out." I say doing my best to ;project as a strong leader.

"Then take them out we will." Jae ha says. I watch each of them prepare to engage in battle, I will finally see the true abilities of the dragon warriors. We hatch a quick fire plan and the warriors spread out, I watched as Alya jumped off the cliff landing in a massive fire ball in front of the battalion causing their horses to rear up in fear. The ones that managed to throw their riders fled back causing other horses to panic. In seconds there was mass chaos. Kija, Jae ha, and Shin ah dropped into the fray. I lean down my bow ready while Zeno stood at my side, prepared to jump between me and any attack. Yun stayed back.

I'm not worried about getting hurt, with the chaos below I doubt any of the soldiers are worried about what's above them. 








Minutes. It took them minutes to rip through the entire battalion. Blood stained the canyon floor and yet... I can't bring myself to be upset by it. I'm not happy about taking lives, but this is the beginning of war, and there can be no mercy. I will not make the same mistakes my father did, I will not be a fool.

"Princess, I found this on the captain." Hak says holding out a scroll. We were on the other side of the canyon, leaving the battle field behind us. Looking through the scrolls contents I find they are orders. The battalion was on their way to the capital. 

"Su Won will surely notice when they don't arrive, he'll find them with in a few days." I say.

"He will either see this as an act of war or a warning." Jae ha says.

"Or both." Alya says. I look at her, she's the wisest of the dragon warriors. I wonder if that has to do with her connection to the others.

"Either way, he'll know something is wrong. Lets move on." I say. We continue walking for two more hours before setting up camp for the night.

"I know it wasn't an easy choice, but I'm proud of you." Alya says sitting next to me. 

"Your proud I ordered those men killed?" I ask spitefully. 

"No, I'm proud you're willing to make the hardest decisions. We both know this won't be the last time you'll have to order us to kill, and we both know that you'll have to take your share of lives as well." She says. I take in the look on her face, compassion. She knows I don't like this, but she's right. I know what I have to do.

"Alya I need you to promise you will always be honest with me. The others always say and do what they think they have to in order to protect me. I appreciate it, but I need you. Every monarch needs an adviser, I need you to be mine. Tell me if you think I'm making a mistake, don't let me make a foolish choice."  I say.

"I promise I will do everything in my power to make you the strongest leader you can be." She says. Looking into her dark purple eyes I wonder, I wonder if this is what it's like to have a sister.

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