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I felt my heart stop at those words

"Y/n, I know how we started  was completely wrong as When I first approached you in trying to ask your sister"

You gulped as you try to find your words

"You did everything for me especially giving up your love for me so I could be with my own. You helped me with my insecurities even back then when I was with her.Then the accident happened and my world fell apart but you-"

Tears began to prick your eyed and I reached out and wiped away the tears that had fallen, not even noticing my own

"You stayed by my side and continued to love me when I couldn't even love myself. I'm such a dick for not letting you go to find your own happiness but I'm selfish Y/n.
I want to cherish you and love you for the rest of my life and I'm so damn happy I didn't ever let you go after you healed me with your loving touch. So please say yes, cause I don't know what I'll do if say no"

After you finished speaking, tears were rolling down my cheeks feeling all the love you poured into your speech.

I said yes and you smiled wide as you quickly got up and slipped the diamond ring into my finger signifying that we were to be married.

You picked me up and twirled me around, letting out that wonderful laugh that I oh so adored with my entire being.

That night you made love to me under the stars for the first time.

For the full 2 years together, you never once touched me . You said that there was no rush and that we should enjoy every moment together doing everything

And it just made me love you more.

Boy in Love✔️{K.NJ}Where stories live. Discover now