Chapter One: First Day

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"Gather 'round! Here's the assignments!" Head Groom, Nate Mackie, called through the barn.

It was seven a.m. sharp, and us grooms had just finished our morning chores of cleaning and organizing tack and grooming supplies while the hands mucked out.

It was my first day here at Black Creek, but so far they were running the same schedule as my old barn.

"Okay, first off, I'd like everybody to welcome our newest member, Gemma Carrey." Nate announced, gesturing to me. There was a chorus of "Hello's, and Nate moved on.

"Today, we're having prospective borders coming through, so everything needs to be in ship shape! The lesson schedule is on the boards in the feed rooms, you know your horses, help Gemma if she needs it, and make sure you keep on schedule. Off with you's." Nate ordered, and all twenty-four of us scattered.

I headed for the A block, where the Goodwin family, the owners, kept their privately owned horses. I was in charge of the oldest son Jace's three horses: War 'n' Wisdom (Athena), Perfect Scoundrel (Scotty), Trickster's Queen (Trixie).

In A Block's feed room, I checked the lesson list. Jace had a eight o'clock lesson on Scotty, so I headed off to where he stabled his horses.

Scotty was massive black horse, built thickly for a jumper but with a short back. He was a horse with presence.

I pulled out his grooming kit, picking up a hard brush first. Even with my 5'10" frame, I had to stretch to reach the top of his neck. Scotty stood quietly in the wide grooming stall, only lowering his head as he relaxed. His manners were impeccable. Once I finished brushing Scotty, I shined his coat with a flannel rag and picked his feet. Next, I put leather open-fronts on with a matching set of back boots. A royal blue saddle pad that matched my uniform shirt was next, and lastly was the beautifully crafted saddle and girth.

"You're good." One of the other grooms commented as she approached Jace's corner. Her embroidered shirt read Mallory.

"Thank you." I replied, gently working through Scotty's thick tail with a comb.

"He can be a brute, you know. Watch yourself." Mallory warned me. I gave a curt nod, and she walked away, boot heels clicking.

At ten to eight, Jace Goodwin himself walked in. He was kitted out in slate grey breeches, a well fitted maroon polo shirt, and spotless black field boots.

He didn't acknowledge me as he opened his personal truck and procured a helmet, gloves, and jumping bat. Even then, I only got glance as he thoroughly inspected Scotty's appearance. Unexpectedly, he turned to me, gloved hand extended for me to shake. I hastily reached forward to take it.

"Very nice," His eyes skimmed the name embroidered on my shirt. "Gemma. Did you spray him?" Jace asked, as I turned to retrieve the horse's bridle.

"No. I rubbed him down with flannel." I answered politely, flipping the reins over Scotty's head and down his neck. I stepped under his neck and eased his halter off.

"Keep doing it. Looks better than when my old groom would spray him." Jace remarked.

Scotty took the bit politely, and I carefully did up the nose band and throat latch. I looked over at Jace expectantly.

"I'll take him down. I'll need you to cool him out afterward." Jace said, seizing Scotty's reins. I nodded, and watched as the left, Scotty's shoes clopping cheerfully on the cement floor.

I got out the things I would need to cool Scotty out, and then checked on Athena and Trixie.

"You have a good forty-five minutes before you need to be by the arena. Come sit down." A girl said, striding easily into Jace's corner. She had a kind appearance, her eyes a warm brown.

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