two | rants, a short trip to the office and cigs.

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"Hey, big mouth, your pen." Changbin calls out to Jeongin, who turns around with a sharp glare, making Jisung snicker quietly. Class ended, they were three now in the hallways. "What did you call me? Wait- don't answer that. You know what, just keep the pen. Your filth and germs are all over it." Jeongin spat out those words so easily, Changbin sneers at that, sticking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he looks to the side. "Alright, you talk as if you have a foot stuck up your ass, it's annoying the living crap out of me." Changbin looked upwards at Jeongin, who scoffs- clearly offended. Jeongin gives a laugh, nodding his head a little as he sucks his bottom lip out of annoyance, only to let it slip out the grip of his teeth.

"Do you know who I am? I am the son of Yang Jaehyuk." He crosses his arm as he scowls, tapping his shoes on the concrete. Students walked past them with weird glances, making Changbin glare at them. "So? Just because you're Yang Jeongin, the son of a rich man, does not mean I'll give any sh*t about you." Jeongin's lips part at that, a crossed sigh leaves his throat. "Just keep the pen." Jeongin grumbles, shaking his head as he stomps away with the roll of his eyes.

"Dude! He's gonna report you to the principle!" Jisung laughs, an ear to ear mischievous smile on his cheeks. "I don't care. He's irritating." Changbin says with an amused smirk, remembering the annoying male. "I kinda like his dad though, he gave me a free bottle once." "What the heck Jisung,"

Jeongin shrieked in distressed as he pulled at his hair, bad vibes emitted from him. Seungmin and Felix exchanged looks at each other, trying to pursue the other to ask the male in a bad mood what was wrong, both being too scared that they'll be screamed at- sure, Jeongin was sweet, but the way he was angrily pulling at his hair was.. scary. "Jeongin, what happened?" Felix complied, placing a comforting hand on Jeongin's shoulder. Felix feels the blonde untense under his touch, shoulders lowering in a hunch. "Seo Changbin happened! That's what happened." Jeongin lowers onto the cafeteria table, spreading his arms on it and resting his head on one of it. "What did he do? I'd say I would beat him up, but have you seen his arms? Woo," Seungmin fans himself, only to stop with a clear of his throat when Jeongin's head snaps up, a glare in his eyes.

"..W-What'd he do, Innie?" Seungmin questions after a short awkward silence, "Don't get me started," Jeongin groans, pretending to sulk. "First, he doesn't bring a pen to school- who comes to school without a pen?!" Jeongin fulminated, looking at the both of his friends with a look that meant 'can you believe this guy?' Felix lets out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his neck, "Maybe he forgot to bring one?" Felix says, earning a huff from Jeongin. "Well, hear the next one. He insulted my pens! You know, my favourite ones that have charms? I gave him the puppy one!" Jeongin looked like his head would burst anytime soon, mouth open wide and ears red with fury. "He said to 'bring normal pens next time.' like, how rude?" Jeongin continued to ramble with anger, his friends listened with amusement, laughing every now and then.

Jeongin walks to the office with a content smile on his face, he carried a huge stack of papers- Mrs. Lee had ordered him to place it on her table, to which he happily obliged. On his way back, he sees a certain raven haired hiding under the stairs, sitting with spreaded legs, blowing puffs of smoke. "Well, well, lookie who we have here." Jeongin says, hands on his hip as a smirk decorated his face. "What' up sweet-cheeks." Changbin raises a hand to greet, earning a playful eye roll from Jeongin. "Don't call me that, bowl haircut." Jeongin makes a face, looking at Changbin up and down. "You know smoking is not allowed in school?" Jeongin looked at Changbin with pursed lips, making the raven haired male put out the cigarette. "You have class," Jeongin adds, the male stands up and walks past the blonde, who turns to watch the male. "Well then, ciao." Jeongin lets out a single laugh, shaking his head with a smile. "He's not going to class."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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