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Ryan's Perspective

"Patrick!" I screamed.

"Whaaat?" He whined back.

"What do you want to do?" I questioned, looking at his face.

"Uh, ice cream?" He faltered.

"Yeah, good idea," I spoke, getting up from the couch.

We got ready and left out the door, but that was after I locked the door to my house. The ice cream shop wasn't far away from my home, so we were able to walk there without that much issue.

"Soooo," I started to speak.

"Soooo," Patrick mocked.

"How are you and Pete?" I queried.

"We're good," He started to speak, "He said he had a surprise for me."

"Dude," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Brendon said something along those lines," I told him.

"Oh shit," He shared, "You think they have the same surprise?"

"It could be, but I don't know," I wondered out loud.

After the conversation ended, we ended up to the ice cream shop. The shop was a medium-sized place; it was styled like an old 1960s shop. Though, the appliance was replaced when the new owners bought the home.

The shop has been a family air-loom coming from the Way family. The brothers, Gerard and Mikey, bought the place after their parents retired and fixed the site up because the area had cracks on the floors, walls, ceilings, and some of the kitchen appliances.

Today, the Way brothers are working. When the brothers are working, they seem to get a lot more customers than when they aren't working. I mean, Patrick and I like to go to the shop when they are working. A reason that this could happen could be that some of the employees are rude, and are disrespectful to some of the customers.

We walk into the building, Patrick first, I following after. The bell rings to signal the people working that some more customers have come through the door.

"Hello, boys!" Greets Gerard, as he is helping a customer.

"Hello!" We greet back. We start walking towards the order line; there was only one person that was in front of us; it looked like they were almost done. I was right; it only took them a couple of seconds more to order, and for the order to began to check out, then it was our turn. Mikey was at the counter doing the orders.

"Hello!" He greets, "What can I get ya?"

"One vanilla with a regular sized cone," I told Mikey first.

"Alright," He said, "What about you?"

"I'll take the same thing as Ryan," Patrick pointed to myself, "But, I'll have chocolate instead of vanilla."

"Okie," Mikey said again, getting the ingredients to start the order.

My order shortly began after Patrick stopped talking. I moved over to where Gerard is and waited for the ice cream. It came moments after, Patricks came soon after mine. After having our ice creams in hand, I gave Patrick mine so I could pay for his and mine ice cream. Patrick has learned just to let me pay if I want to.

I paid for the ice cream and got my ice cream back from Patrick, and we walked out of the store, back to my house.

"Bye!" Called Gerard.

We didn't answer as we were already out the door and on our way to somewhere else. I finally took a bite of my ice cream, it was still good.

"How's the ice cream?" I asked trying to get a conversation going.

"It's pretty good, what about you?" He told.

"It's also pretty good," I told.

Our conversation ended for a couple of minutes until Patrick spoke again.

"Would you ever want to visit your boyfriend?" He asked with a dreamy expression.

"Uh, no, and boyfriend?" I started to question, "Where did 'boyfriend' come from?"

"Oh, uh," He blushed.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," I soothed.

It was quiet after that, but only for a couple of minutes as we were reaching the mall. It would be much better to go to the mall instead of my house, because we could actually do something.

As soon as we entered, we headed to Hot Topic; the place for emo kids like us. Hot Topic was on the second floor, we were on the first. We headed to the escalators, then to Hot Topic.

"Do you think Pete shops at Hot Topic?" Patrick asked.

"Uh, never met the guy," I answered back, walking faster to head to the place.

"Uh, huh," He spoke.

After that, Patrick was humming a tune, a tune I didn't know. The tune was a soft tune, it sounded pleasing to the ears.


I'm ending it there because this is just a little inside on what Ryan and Patrick's life. but again, thank you guys for the support!

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