Chapter 31

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"We made it!" Calum screamed. He bent down and placed his head on the floor.

"What's up with him?" Monica asked.

"He doesn't like airplanes." Chrissy answered.

"Lets go. About 5 hours till the wedding." Cole ordered. David walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Why are you so short?" He asked.

'Why are you so tall?' I asked.

"Point taken." He chuckled.

"How many more months till you and T get married Haz?" Alex asked.

"Ummm... 10? I don't really care. She's doing all the planning." Harry said with a sigh. I turned to face him and realized his heart is almost gone again.

"Lets go and get our bags." Chrissy said before walking to the pick up area. Our bags slide by and we each picked our own up before walking to the front of the building.

"Lets see... Got one." Gabe said. He pointed at a cab and it came racing to us. It slammed on the brake before parking.

"Need a cab?" The guy asked.

"I can make it bigger." Melodie reassured. She walked up to the trunk and did a few things before it expanded.

"I've got it." Cole said before placing all our bags in at once.

"We need our backpacks smart one." Ashton said.

"Sorry." Cole rolled his eyes before pulling our backpacks out. He closed the trunk before we walked to the car door.

"Mhm." Melodie said with a smile. She waved her hands in the air before the inside expanded as well.

We all got in and started changing into our outfits. I opened my backpack and pulled out my dress, shoes and makeup/accessories bag. I examined my dress and smiled. A light pink strapless, mid thigh dress, a shinny, silver belt under my boobs. The bottom layered out into nice ruffles. I slipped off my clothes and felt someone looking at me. I looked around and found Cole and David staring at me. I slipped my dress on quickly before grabbing my silver heels. I slipped them on and started applying light pink eyeshadow and lip stick, mascara and blusher.

"Hurry. We'll be there in about 5 minutes." Luke hurried.

"Shut the fuck up." Michael snapped before growling.

I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and brushed it before settling on leaving it down.

"You all look great." Alex said with a smile. Her purple strapless, above the knee dress looked amazing on her. Her hair in a ponytail with her bangs out.

"You do too." Chrissy smiled. She has a black and red, mid thigh dress. The top flashing the top of her breasts and is black, the bottom red and tight but the two colors seperated by a black belt. Her hair is in ringlets and down.

"Okay. Here's our stop. Keep the change." Ashton said, handing over 20 bucks to the lad. We pulled our stuff out of the truck and walked into the hotel.

"7 rooms for 4 people." Eleanor said.

"Name." The lady at the front asked.

"Louis Tomlinson." Lou said.

"Cash or credit?" The lady asked.

"Cash." Liam and Lou said.

"So we're dropping off everything before going to the wedding right?" Calum asked. I nodded and looked at him.

'Are you marrying Chrissy 'cause you know her secret?' I asked.

"What's her secret?" Calum asked.

'That she loves you.' I said with a wide grin.

"Yeah. That's why." Calum said, returning the smile.

"Come on." Alex said, motioning us to the elevator.

"We are all on the same floor but we are sharing the rooms." Riley said.

"We're stayin' here for a week, meaning next Monday you are going to school. I already graduated." Louis said with a smirk.

"We're not stupid Tommo." Ella said before rolling her eyes.

"Okay. Here are the groups." Liam said.

"Group one and room 12 is Calum, Chrissy, Liam and myself." Sophia said.

"Group two and room 13 is Perrie, Monica, Gabriel and myself." Zayn said.

"Group three and room 14 is David, Harry, Louis and myself." Eleanor said.

"Group four and room 15 is Jessica, Michael, Claire and myself." Ashton said.

"Group five and room 16 is Luke, Will, Kenzie and myself." Ella said.

"Group six and room 17 is Alex, Riley, Melodie and myself." Niall said.

"And last but not least, group seven and room 18 is Megan, Cole, Dana and myself." Logan said, handing me the card for the room.

"Okay. Lets go." Gabe said before getting off the elevator.

We walked to our rooms and stoppe in front of the door. I slid the card through the slot and pushed the door open. I looked around and two beds, one couch and two bathrooms filled my view.

"Sweet." Dana said from behind me. He placed his and Logan's luggage bags on the bed, placing the back packs on the floor.

"I'm sorry Megan. David lied to you. I never broke up with you." Cole said from behind me. I pulled my luggage and back pack to the bed and placed them there.

"Lets go." Logan said before we walked out the room.

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