The Verge of History: Part 1

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Journal Entry #1

All I remember is waking up in a field surrounded by three strangers with no memory. Nothing. I decided to keep a journal to gather my thoughts and hopefully remember something from the past. I pray to the gods that I'll be able to regain my memory. Until then, I guess I'll just have to focus on the future and how I can help these people. After all, I am their new tactician.


"Chrom, we have to do something..." A young, high pitched female voice pierces through the darkness as my eyes slowly fluttered open. Sunlight burned my vision while my misty grey eyes tried to focus the blurry images of two figures standing over my unconscious body. 'Where am I...? Who am I...?' Questions flooded my mind trying to piece together the puzzle. The only problem is I didn't have any pieces to put into place.

"What do you propose we do?" a masculine voice chimed in sounding more mature than the first one I heard.

"I...I dunno..." After a few moments while the two conversed over the subject, my eyes finally gifted me with a clear image of the two. A older teenager with deep blue hair and paler skin gave a warm smile down on me. His eyes glowed like ocean sapphires, but in one of his eyes, there was a faint silhouette of an object I didn't recognize. Granted, I didn't know anything, but I would think it would spark a memory in me.

"I see you're awake now," the stranger spoke once more in a comforting tone making sure he didn't startle me.

"Hey there!" My gaze turned to the right to see a female a few years younger smiling down at me with warmth and innocence. Her blonde hair was tied back into pigtails with a simple head piece adorning her head.

"There're better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know," the male said extending his muscular hand to help me up from the ground. "Give me your hand."

I took it gratefully, but when I reached up to grasp his hand, I noticed a strange symbol tattooed on my hand. I didn't think much of it for I couldn't remember a thing so I wasn't really worried about it. Pieces of dried grass fell from my light pink, wavy hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and brushed the dirt off the cloak I was dressed in. As he pulled me up into the standing position, a name began to slowly assemble in my mind. I couldn't put it together at the moment or remember if it was even my own name.

"You all right?" he spoke as I noticed another stranger standing with the group. Dressed in full sturdy armor, he seemed to be the oldest of the three I encountered and you could since that he was cautious of me as he quickly looked back and forth at the male and female with the occasional glare in my direction. His brown, messy hair atop his head contradicted his tall, firm stance though I knew that I shouldn't test his patience.

"Y-Yes... Thank you, Chrom," I said, but paused as I mentioned the man's name. 'Was that the name I was trying to figure out before?'

"Ah, then you know who I am?" Chrom said raising an eyebrow noticing the confused look on my face. A moment of silenced past as I tried to find ways to explain the scenario I had gotten myself into, yet nothing could make sense of the what happened moments ago.

"No, actually. I... It's strange... Your name, it just...came to me..." A moment of silence filled the air as the four of us all looked around waiting for someone to speak. I kept switching back and forth between Chrom and the girl. He wore a white cape torn at the ends with a metal piece of armor protecting his left shoulder and a royal blue outfit that was sleeveless and covered his entire body with blade scrapped to his back that resembled the mysterious image in his eye.

"...Hmm, how curious. Tell me, what's your name? What brings you here?" Chrom asked.

"My name is... It's... Hmm." 'Oh my gods what is my name!? I somehow remember the name of a stranger I had never even met yet I can't even remember my own!' I scrambled for an answer. Scouring my mind for any word that could potentially be my name, but my mind was nothing more than a blank canvas.

"...You don't remember your own name?" Chrom asked in a voice that sounded like he was questioning my sanity. Though, if I were him, I'd question my sanity too.

"I'm not sure if... Sorry, but where am I, exactly?" I asked scratching the back of my head as my cheeks turned red from embarrassment. I'd gotten so caught up in the three strangers before me that I wasn't even aware of my surroundings. I looked around trying to find any signs that would tell me of my location, but it was only a field of tall grass with a few tress scattered throughout the land.

"Hey! I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!" the girl chimed in with a happy tone. Her dress was colonial styled with a wired frame under her skirt to make the fabric puff out. Her sleeves were puffed at the shoulders and grew wider at the wrists with a strange looking staff strapped to her back.

"It's called a load of pegasus dung," the other male spoke with a voice that was similar to his stance: firm and hard. "We're to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?" he said walking closer giving a glare that could cut through metal.

"B-But it's the truth!" I said shakily making it very hard for the truth to sound convincing.

"...What if it is true, Frederick? We can't just leave her, alone and confused. What sort of Shepherds would we be then?" Chrom turned to Frederick who showed little to no expression on his face. Myself, on the other, stood in shock that he would defend a complete stranger he found in a field who only remembered his name and not their own.

"Just the same, milord. I must emphasize caution. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our folk," Frederick spoke defending his word, but keep his loyalty to Chrom.

"Right then-we'll take her back to town and sort this out there," Chrom said starting to walk away as the other two followed close behind.

"Wait just one moment," I said standing my ground with millions of questions floating in my mind that they hopefully had answers to. "Do I have a say in this?"

"Peace, friend-I promise we'll hear all you have to say back in town. Now come," Chrom said continuing to walk in the direction of a nearby town.

I raised my hand to protest, but by the time I went to speak, they were already off in the distance. What other choice did I have except to run after them? I quickly caught up after a few seconds and wondered whether I'd ever remember who I even was or what would come of me in the hands of the three strangers.

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