Extended Summary

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Michael Hall. A seventeen year old with an annoying sister, a coin collecting mother and who's father is a magician (well, he's not really a magician, he's just an expert at dissappearing). 

Gabriel Oates. A seventeen year old with five moms, a superman action figure in mint condition and an entire dictionary of sarcastic comments.

Four years after meeting in a stalled elevator while nursing bags of their mom's underwear and thoughts of burritos, Michael and Gabriel are best friends and the lead singers, songwriters and muscians of their town's most popular band. 

Enter Noelle Pierce, a girl that neither can seem to stop drooling over.

With the statewide Battle of the Bands competition quickly approaching and a vow to never let a girl come between them, they settle on a few rules.

1. They must form two very seperate bands and enter the competition.

2. Each leader must write their own lyrics (though help from the other band members is allowed).

3. They're not allowed to talk about the battle outside of band practices.

4. Whoever leads their band the farthest in the competition gets to ask Noelle for a date.

5. The winner has every right to be an asshole about it.

Description sucks because I suck. The events in each chapter are based on prompts from he Originality Project created by @bateaux; also, NaNoWriMo.

Thank you so much for reading.


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