night+day dreaming

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Sara:God,why is he soo handsome?(while watching shehry's pics on net) he lives far away than my place.please Allah you have to make a choice either make me forget about him ,or make him mine...just mine.

Oh man its too late at night I should fall asleep now

While I was moving towards my bed I found my phone buzzing ,it was my cousin aqsa (she is my best frnd and always acted like a sister to me)

Aqsa:hi sara ,u know tomorrow is goin to be our first day at uni ,so jst tryin to say have a bettet bad luck ..(every one knows dat I have “the worlds most worst" luck,so they don't wish me good luck instead they say, have a better bad luck)

Me: yeah thnx girl ..have good luck...

After putting my phone down I started thinking about the frst day at uni n I was getting nervous for dat...all of a sudden shehry got into my mind ,what if u find him tomorrow dere also...nah c'mon sara ur so silly...thinking to meet him by chance seems to be like dat u r talking smthing impossoble..after having convo wid myself I finally fell asleep

Next morning  I got up and I found dat my alarm didn't work cuz the cells were dead ...uhh my bad luck n I was already 15 mins late for uni...I saw my phone i saw billion trillion msgs frm aqsa

Aqsa: were the heck r u?

Me:comin sweet heart ...just wait at the bus stand ..


After dat I took a quick shower n made myself dressed up ,I grabed my bag n big loope like glasses n held it above my nose ( as I was a nerd)

I reached dere  asap n found aqsa already wid a cab ,n pointing me to get inside the cab ...we sat in drove to uni

As we were waiting for the signals to turn green ..I looked out of the window  guess who i saw out dere it was shehry

Me:( uhh sara stop dreaming at day time )

All of a sudden hussain also appeared infront of us

Me: (wow now I'm also thinking about hussain )

Aqsa: hey sara look its shehry n hussain out dere

I turned to aqsa wid a what the hell face

Me:ohh God ,is this reality...aqsa plz pinch me

She slapped me hard on face

Me: hey I told u to pinch me not to punch me ..she grin wid a sorry face

Me : should I go and talk to him ?

Aqsa: really ur asking dis question ...then u really deserves a punch ...u shouldn't miss dis golden chance go

Me: k tell me how  am i looking...? (cuz I always wanted to appear infront of him wid the best look on my hairs should be floating in air smile should make him fall for me  as his smile did to me )

She frst looked at my huge glasses then to my loose and weird dress ..she took off my glasses and said ,"now you are looking fine.

As I was about to move out ...she stoped me and said,"have a better bad luck "

Me: thnx ....but I knew nothing will happen good to me .

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