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As i opened the door and tried to get out of the cab....all of asudden the cab moved forward and i fell out on the pavement with  dirty water on it my whole dress and face was covered wid mud and water

Me:hey!...u idiot ...have some patience ....i was screaming madly to the driver 

my mouth was still hanging in air (as i was shouting) with anger on my face ..but i noticed wid the corner of my eyes dat shehry was looking at me ...and i was like ...(0_0)...really dis is happening to my dream .....

i saw shehry rolling his eyes wid the expression on his face....wat  a weirdo...ewww

they both giggled and went on their ways ..

aqsa came by running towards me...she hold my hand and made me raise up..

Aqsa:sara!...are u okay...?

Me:yeah having all the fun in the world.....:(...and look i made him run away...

Aqsa :leave it yaar ....u will INSHALLAH get more chances ...

Me:yeah and again i will make him ran away....

Aqsa:nooo dont say like dat ...better luck nxt time

Me:dont use dat word LUCK always running out of it....

Aqsa:hmmm ...

Me:wat hmmmm

Aqsa:dont u think he's a bit arrogant...i mean like he didnt came to help u .

Me:well he should be ...cuz he is soo hot ..he deserves to be a bit arrogant

Aqsa:ur lets go to public washroom and fix urself


After dat we reached to our uni....thnx GOD the teacher wasn't in the class yet ...we sat down to our seat at the right front corner of class ...and then i saw shehry and hussain along wid their frnds coming inside ...

Me:nooooooo way, dis is not happening....hey aqsa look whos dere ..pinch me ..noo leave it, i believe my eyes 

Aqsa :haha ..ok

They sat down at the right front corner of the class ...all of a sudden shehry's eyes rested on me ..after dat he started to whisper smthing to his frnds ...they all started luaghing while looking at me ...i knew why the hell they were luaghing...i was soo embarassed and angry at the same time ..cuz at first he didnt came to help and now he's making fun of me ...after few secs shehry stopped laughing but his frnds kept going on...

Me:( why he became soo serious all of a sudden....?...may be there's still a human inside him )

Aqsa:sara u okay girl ...dont take it to heart ...i'll make him apologize 

Me:leave it yaar ..i know my luck ...nothing goes straight to me 

The teacher entered the class .He introduced himself to everyone.He started his lecture ...and i was really keen to be involve in it ...i was discussing my point of veiws and enjoyed the lecture ..while other just let it pass by above their heads 

I saw shehry he was really getting bore ...hussain rolled his eyes on me showing dat im a really weird and nerdy person it was time for the recess...but i reached to my locker exchanged some book ...while i was doing dat i saw shehry standing far away from my side and was staring at me ...all of a sudden he started walking towards me heart beat started getting louder and faster

Me:plz GOD dont ruin my this moment ...i cant believe he is approaching me ...wat is he going to ask me? ....millions of questions were araising in my mind...i put my thoughts away ...and acted like a normal person

Me:plz sara dont act weird dis time normal be normal.....

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