Prince Charming

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Niall's POV

I glance out the window and see Sandy hugging a girl. I look closer and it was Ninna! My tummy had butterflies fluttering and having a party.

"excuse me" I say as I place the napkin on the table and walk out of Nando's. Walking towards Ninna and Sandy, my knees went wobbly.

I tap Sandy's shoulder and they snap out of their conversation. Sandy smiles and pats me on my back then walks back into the shop. Ninna and I look at Sandy and the boys wave at us both which made me a tomato. oops?


"hey Ninna," I hug her and pull away in an instant even though I'd like to stay in those arms forever. "how are you?"

Ninna smiles, "I'm fine. You?"

We started walking then she grabs my hand and now we're holding hands. woah?

"good. still your happy charming leprechaun!" I say with a very exaggerated Irish accent.

Sandy pinches my cheeks and giggles. We walk a little further and reach a kids' park.

"I miss this." she says. "I miss you"

we stop walking and we face each other. "Niall?"


she reaches her hand and I do so.

"can we continue everything I left?"

Her eyes were sparkling. It's something I could never resist.


she smiled at me then hugged me.

"thank you, James" she whispers.

my eyes went big and I let go and face her with shock. She really knew what would irritate me.

"knew it. hahahaha! Niall, grow up ok? James is cute"

I just roll my eyes and grab her hand. I know we're not together, but best friends are better than anything right?

We talked a little bit more then walked back to Nando's since Zayn was calling me already. Why does this have to end?

We meet the boys outside Nando's. I'm still wondering how fans still don't know we're just walking around the streets.

"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!" Louis shouts while running towards us with a 'worried mum' face. Ninna and I just laugh.

"let's go home." Liam says leading us to the car.

We drop off Harry, Sandy and Ninna at Harry's flat since Ninna can't stay with me. That would be weird. heh.

I watch them wave at us and go inside the building. I just smile and focus at her.

Sandy's POV

we got home at 15:00 since I was so tired. Ninna stays with me in my room.

knock knock

somebody knocks on the door. I shuffled to the door and open it revealing Harry with a very big grin on his face.

"what now Harry" I say with a 'what the hell do you want' voice.

"we're going phone shopping tomorrow. since we need to communicate with you without paying big amounts"

"you don't have to. i have money." I say even though I really don't have any money with me.

"of course you don't have money. get ready now please"

"where are we going?"

"to the beach."

"it's freaking cold outside, Harry."

"the sun is out. a chance of a lifetime for us here."

"did I hear beach?!" Ninna shouts from the bed.

"JUST THE TWO OF US NINNA. I'm sending the boys over to keep you company." Harry replies.

"ugh okay! remember, PROTECTION!" WHAT. THE. HELL. NINNA. I shoot her a death glare, she shrugs and go back to her date with the telly.

"go get ready. NOW." Harry demands this time.

"okay okay mr. grumpy pants" I slam the door on his face and walk to the closet. I get my red bikini, jean shorts and my loose tank top with a british flag on it. I change and grab my sunnies and red flipflops.

"READY!" I shout as I open my door. I see Harry on the couch typing away on his cell. I walk towards him and sneak a peek to who he was texting, Niall? ummm, I thought they weren't that close....

I poke Harry on the right side of his temple. "let's go" I whisper.

We arrive at the beach, luckily there was only a few people around. Thank god. hopefully there aren't any paps around here. that would be the death of me!

Harry and I talk a little and started walking in the shoreline.

"why are we here though?" I ask him.

"nothing. I just needed more bonding time with you. You always talk to the other boys."

"is the Harry Styles jealous?" I say in a mocking voice"


I hit him on the arm since it's become a habit of mine when somebody lies.

"oooww! okay okay" He says. I poke his dimples and giggle. cheeky boy.

Harry points to the sky, "hey look a dead bird"

I looked up but I just realized if the bird was dead, it shouldn't be flying. But before I could face Harry, he carries me bridal style. I struggle to get out of his arms, but he was so strong! I obviously give up.

He starts to run to the dry, white sand and he sits down, with me still in his arms.

"nice sunset, eh?" He asks.

I look on the far distance, "absolutely."

dead silence

after admiring the sunset for 5 minutes, Harry started to talk again.

"Sandy, can I ask you something?"

"you just asked me something"

He gives me a disapproving look. haha!!! pissed off Harry is so cute... and sexy.

"just kidding. what were you asking me?"

"Iknowwejustmetafewdaysagoidontknowhowtosaythisbut..." He says fastly.

"but what?"

"can.. you.. be.. my.. girlfriend?"

am I dreaming? somebody pinch me. the boy I just met a few days ago plus a big popstar is asking me to go out with him. guys, am I okay? am I still asleep on my bed? OH MY GOSH.

snap snap snap

Harry snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"hellooooo?? earth to Sandy!" he says.

"oh sorry! zoned out."

He looks at me with a questioning face, "so? what's your answer?"

"yes Harry. I would love to be your girlfriend"

and for the first time, we kiss. while the sun sets and birds flying in the sky. I feel like a princess who just found her prince charming. I know it's cheesy but who cares. When a person falls in love, they forget reality. and maybe, just maybe, that's what I'm feeling right now....

[A/N: sorry for the late upload guys! and I am soooooo sorry because I post short chapters. It's my first ever fanfic and I'm trying my hardest. thank you guys since I got a hundred reads already! i've planned out the ending already, but i'm not gonna tell ;) ;)

once i post this, i'll be writing chapter 12 ASAP! i promiseeeee

Team Handy!!! lol jk.]

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