The Summoner info

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Hello my guys, girls, nonbinary pals and others!!

Like said I'm a huge fan of the arcana and i decided to make my own oc and his own route with you (y/n)!! 

Likewise you'll be referred to as your prefered name and everything however having your character not have a specific gender would be to difficult to make so you'll be playing as a male.

So i guess this post is just some info about my Oc 'The Summoner' 


The Summoner is a quiet well reserved person, he may come off blunt or sounding rude but he doesn't mean to, he keeps a lot of things to himself and doesn't open up easily, he would put his life up for anyone he trusts, respects, befriends or loves. 


He is a rather tall man with a slightly muscular look to him, his skin colour is a little lighter then Asras, he is seen all the time covered and hooded with black tinted glasses that take up most of his face to avoid eye contact. his hair is a dark blue with light blue tints that is cut short. he normally wears a black cloak with blue patterns embed onto it with a white shirt.


His ability 'summon' allows him to go through the arcanas gates and to hence summon majority of them, likewise he does have an arcana he goes to the most and feels most connected to, like how Julian had the hanged man and Lucio had the devil. although it does take a toll onto him and causes some slight problems depending on what he does in the arcanas realms. Different realms need different amount of energy e.g. The realm in between the living and the acanas, very little energy. The magicians realm is the second easiest to visit, the towers (Not used much and only used for trials mainly) is and the devils is the hardest (Not gonna go through every realm but you get the gist.) This also allows him to call for ghosts (Like Lucio) if they have a bond (deal) with an arcana but aren't in the living realm properly. 

His abilities tolls varies from the normal, exhaustion, headaches , looses some sanity (depending on what he does), he makes deals with them, he gains a marking onto his body (a major toll that only happens when he does something big in the realm), he tends to pass out if he visits many arcanas in one sitting.


Julian- mutual, stranger

Y/N- knew before memories but was just a mutual

Asra- mutual, work partner/ semi-friend

Muriel- mutual, stranger

Nadia- mutual, work authority

Portia- mutual, semi-friend

 Lucio- stranger, hate

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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