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Wong Lucas

I never liked someone like I liked Jungwoo. I also never thought about leaving him like he left me. Something so sudden and he didn't even leave a note. He gave me a decision right on the spot as if I would make up my mind right then and there. I still remember him sneaking away.

I remember telling Shiwoo that I have no idea what just happened. He requested I sit for the rest of dinner, but after What Jungwoo told me I was too nervous. Dayan begged me to stay so she can do my hair. The whole family just seemed weird. Maybe that's what ran Jungwoo off.

Anyway, my arm was getting tired of being held out and Jeno couldn't make up his mind for the sake of life. He's been shouting the same two numbers ever since I told him I'd just open my hand.

"Two! Eight!" Jeno hit Injoon's arm while hopping up on his chair. "It's two! See I told you man!" The young boy laughed when I showed them two fortune cookies from the box. "I saw him eating on them through out the day so I knew he wouldn't leave us with none!" Injoon told him to settle down while accepting his fortune cookie.

To be honest, I was full off of them. I had more in my bag but Jeno was so excited to be right that I didn't want him to hate me for making him look bad.

"Have you guys seen the fresh face?" Jeno jerked his head to the other side of the courtyard. "They're kind of hot." He winked.

"Disgusting," Injoon grimaced at the boy. "Think of Kyla." Jeno gagged. "Stop that! You know you love her."

"Kyla? Love? That's a strong word. I think I might break up with her. Claim back my freedom a little."

My eyes trailed away from Jeno's face to the boy sitting across from Mark. We haven't talked since he pulled that shot on me sophomore year and he hasn't even thought about apologizing. Ever since Taeyong went off to university, he's been the new asshole of the school. All popular and everyone flocking to his feet. It's sickening.

We've also got a few new guys at the school. Of course Mark put his touch on them just like Taeyong did me. Unlike the majority of the new kids, Hendery stood out the most. He was crazy smart, always winning math awards for the school. Super active, basketball captain. At the same time, extremely conservative. No one knew anything about him but what he showed us because he told no one anything.

I've tried talking to him and he'd blow me off. Once again my attempt at making friends is failing. Injoon blames Mark. I do too. He could be telling them anything under the sun about me.

We all turned our necks to Siyeon who was darting across the lawn with a paper clenched in her fist. "A fat one hundred baby!" Injoon jumped up to embrace her. They did a cute little hug twirl before he let her down and took the paper from her. "It only took five hours of studying and I was in!"

We all cheered for her in the process. She took a seat next to me and smiled. "Congratulations, Siyeon. Now you can stop being selfish and teach us all your habits." She frowned my way. "Yeah, I called you selfish."

"Lucas. We both know I could explain to you for hours and you'd still be borderline failing. You can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink." I have her a light push. "I told you all about that study group I joined. They give good tips."

Injoon locked hands with Siyeon then gave her a kiss. "I told you I'd join if Jeno joined." The younger looked away as if his name was being mentioned. "I don't like doing those club things alone. They scare me."

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