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i am just standing like a statue and she left 

------------------------- flash back end --------------------------------------

( if you remember guys this is a flashback, pearl is narrating his story to his brother ankit) 



pearl is narrating  the story to ankit then his phone ring he pick up the call and she get a shocked he stood up and ran toward his car ankit follow him

ankit- what happen ??? bhai !!! 

pearl - just sit in the car 

ankit- but bhai !!!  what happen ?? and what about the story; where is surbhi?? , you left her, 

pearl - i will answer all your question but............. this time we have to leave

ankit - where ??

pearl - hospital 

ankit - what?? why ??

pearl - there is a doctor call he said that rahul is about to die...................

ankit- what??

pearl- yes.......... come with me 

then they both sit in the car and went toward the hospital but they both are feeling that someone is following them but they ignore then they reaches the hospital 

they went outside the ICU  then doctor came 

pearl- doctor, what happen ??

doctor- the patient health is very critical 

pearl- but.......... doctor you said that he will be okay in  one week 

doctor - i don't know.. but the patient have only few minutes 

pearl- can i meet him 

doctor - yes................

they both went inside the ICU  

pearl sat beside the rahul; rahul is trying to say some something 

rahul- pearl !!!

pearl ( with tear eyes ) - hm...... 

rahul- m..y ....... sec....ond....... part..... ner ....... i s..........

pearl - who ???

rahul - is................ 

pearl - yes..........

rahul- an.......................n............u

pearl-  what ??


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