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*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*Hill HouseThen*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*

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Hill House

I had always hated that place, since the moment my family and I had stepped foot inside. Hill House gave off this eerie feeling that would frequently send a chill up my spine. My ten year old self had constantly felt uneasy in the large house.

The entirety of Hill House was silent that night, despite a few floorboards creaking here and there.

I slept soundly in my bed, this having been the one night that I didn't feel eyes watching me from the shadows. A feeling that didn't last long at all.

I was abruptly awoken by the feeling of being watched and the sound of Nellie's crying. I ignore the creepy feeling (as I always do, when one of the twins are scared or upset), because my big sister intuition was stronger than my sense of fear.

Letting out a tired groan, I peeled my brown eyes open and slid out of bed. I sleepily trudged out of my room to see Theo and Steve doing the same.

"It's okay, girls. Go back to bed." Steve told us, but I just rolled my eyes and kept following him to the twins room.

"Should I wake up mom and dad?" Theo asked, staying in her bedroom doorway.

"We've got it, Thee." I told her with a smile, and our brother began to argue. Before he could tell me to go to bed, I cut him off.

"I'm coming with you, Stevie. Your 'Big Brother Bossiness' didn't work on me last time, nor does it ever. So, let's go already." That seemed to shut him up, because he let out a sigh of defeat and we continued down the hall.

We stopped at the twins' bedroom, where Nellie's crying continued. Steve and I shared a sad and tired look, before he opened the creaky door.

Once the door was open, we were met with the sight of both twins sitting up in bed. Nell had stopped crying and Luke was just looking at us tiredly.

"Are you okay, Nellie?" Steve asked, propping the door open. Our little sister just shook her little head and clutched her teddy bear.

"You scared?" I asked, offering the six year old girl a comforting smile. She tearfully nods, causing me to sigh and sit next to her on the bed. Nellie leans into my side as a wrap an arm around her shoulders.

"That's okay, Nell. Everyone gets scared sometimes, even Steve and I." I tell her softly, as I gently rub her arm.

"Lizzie's right." My older brother tells her, before I butt in again jokingly. "As always."

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