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"What the hell am I doing?" I asked myself. I was in a white hoodie, white skinny jeans, white converse, and my shirt underneath was white. I held a gun, probably a hunting rifle, and wore two makeshift ammo belts over my hoodie. "This fricking sucks." Several boys were in front of me, holding guns. We were in an old sugar warehouse, it reeked of the sweet stuff.
"Caden!" One of the boys, codenamed Tiger yelled. Caden was codename caroller. The two other boys, a-hole, and Lake were trying to get into a tackle fight. They had dropped their guns, the two blondes ( caroller and lake.) were about to hit each other.
"Quit it!" Mallord the pretty black haired girl yelled from across the room. Tiger and a-hole got up, their brown hair waving in the slight breeze.
"Jeez, we've all been holed up in here for days. Deal with it saintly please," Knight, an Asian boy with kinda long black hair, gave them the look. "Or you'll be killed."
"Give this a damn break," The short ginger codenamed cinnamon said walking over. "We're all part of this together, or we die together." We all wore white, it was part of what made us the White Kids. We only called ourselves that because Angels was too much of a giveaway. I shook my head, my own long white hair with blue streaks. I went up to a ladder set up against the half-finished upper level. I looked out a window and gasped.
"Guys, we have a problem," I saw a black van going into the compound. We were in the middle of California's "green area" as I called it. "The van just went in."
"Let's save the Fallout Boys." I went halfway down the ladder, then dropped to the ground.
"No, they have them in one of SN's most secure compound."
"It's also as damned risky if we wait. We've all seen the Youngblood Chronicles." Zany, the brown-haired demo expert said.
"I know, but it will be easier," I sighed. The small group of superiors had surrounded me. Two other girls, Knight's sister, Nickel, and Hickie a black haired animal expert and nurse in training had joined us. There were more supporters, but they were in a different part of the warehouse.
"Okay, what should we do?" Nickel looked into my eyes. I looked at the small group. Only 5 of us were over 16 and had drivers licenses, only 7 of us had restricted licenses, and only 2 had permits. We only had 4 delivery vans, two small cars, a coupe, and 2 minivans. Only the coupe and delivery vans worked though. We were fricking screwed.
"We'll get them when they park the van in the forest," I said, referring to when the boy's escape in The Mighty Fall. "Tell everyone to get ready. We are leaving in 3 hours." We disbanded, and I got up on the upper level and looked out the window.
Light shone all over the place. Mostly stars, but still. It was peaceful, serene, and I missed it. "This is all about to change." I looked out the window, the hill the compound was on shone under the stars. I started out the window not at anything in particular.
"It's all about to blow up worse than an atomic bomb."

Fun Fact: All of the Chapter titles (except prolouge) and Book titles are song names or song lyrics from Fall Out Boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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