03:00-The Reunion From Hell

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"Hello Dorothea."  He smirked as he took a step closer.

"Well, That was very 'Silence of the lambs' don't you think you creep?" I asked him. "Good evening Clarice" I spoke, a crappy impersonation of Dr Lecter.

"Talkative aren't you?" He spoke.

"trying to keep myself from killing you." I sneered at him. He let out a hard loud laugh.

"We'll get to that later. Sit!" He ordered. I stood my ground but then he grabbed a gun. "I SAID SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" he yelled.

I sat down, Katy sitting next to me, soft cried falling from her lips as she did.

I watched as he looked me over. His eyes scanning every inch of my body.

"So, you're not so little anymore DJ." He smiled as he walked over, sitting kneeling in front of me.

"Do not call me that, only Toby calls me that, you know that." I snarled. He let out a sigh and grabbed my face with one hand and placed the gun Under my chin with the other.

"I will call you what ever the damn hell I want to." He growled. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"I want to see what my special girl's been up to." He grinned, moving the gun from my chin and moving away to sit in front of me once again.

"So, the FBI. A bog shot job." He mumbled "I knew you had it in you." He smiled. "How is it?"

"Yeah it's great, I get to put child abducting, murdering, ass-holes like you away for a living, sometimes I get to shoot them...greatest job in the world." I snarled.

"Be nice, Thea." He warned, waving the gun around. "You've seemed to have landed yourself a great gig, new dad, loving boyfriend and some good friends."

"Yeah, They look out for me it's what friends do."

"I had some good friends in you folks, good people. They new how to throw a party." He told me.

"Don't you dare talk about them." I growled at him. He only laughed, shaking his head.

"Why?" I asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Why what?" 

"Why me?" 

"I don't know, You were so small, so strong, something about you just sparked my curiosity. You mum and dad never let me get close enough to find out why so I had to take matters into my own hands."

"But, you killed them." I sniffled.

"Yeah, I did, they got in my way in I was pissed. I wanted you all to myself and so I took you." He shrugged.

"They were you're best friends. They trusted you." I yelled.

"They were weak, they had something I wanted and didn't fight hard enough to keep it from me."

"What about Tommy and Toby?" I asked. He shrugged.

"They weren't you. I mean they were idiots the only thing they were good at was kicking a ball and you were even better at that than them."

"So you left them?" 

"Yeah, they had their mother and I needed to get away before the police caught up with me." 

"Why did you let me go?" I asked him.

"I didn't. I took you to that subway station to keep you hidden but David Rossi was better at his job than I thought and found you before I got back. Then when I couldn't find you, I found others to take you're place."

"That's why you took all those girls? because you lost me?" I asked him.

"You left me, I needed you, I loved you." He told me, once again he touched my cheek. 

"I didn't leave you, I was never yours." I told him. He moved his head closer. 

"You were always mine Thea, nothing is going to change that, not you new daddy, not you boyfriend and certanly not the FBI." He told me before he crashed his lips to mine.

I stuggled against his lips as he grabbed my head and pushed my closer to him.

"HEY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" Heard my dad call. Terry turned around and while he did I took my chance and hit him in the head, with mine. 

He fell to the floor and I kicked the gun away from him and pulled mine out. 

"Terry Newman, you're under arrest." I told him as he stood up. I spotted Spencer at the top of the stairs and sent a quick wink.

"You good baby?" He asked.

"Need a new pair of lips but yeah, I'm OK." I told him. I saw Morgan begin to come around and as he stood up he look around confused. 

"What the hell?" 

"Hey sleeping beauty." I smiled at him.

"NO, THEA LOOK OUT!!!" I heard Spencer call. I saw Terry pull out a gun from behind his back and point it at me.

"You will not leave me again, You will be mine Dorothea." Terry hissed as he moved the gun to me.

"Put it down dude, there are more of us then there are of you." Morgan tried to reason but Terry just laughed. 

"She's mine and if I die, so does she." He told them as he moved the gun to Katy. I watched as his fingers moved towards the trigger and everything moved in slow motion. 

Katy let out a cry as she saw what was happening. Grabbing my hand once again I saw Terry's smirked and before I knew what was happening, I dove in front of Katy and I heard the loud bang of a gun shot.

Then everything stopped and my life flashed before my eyes. 

*My parents kissing me good night. *My mum singing 'can't help falling in love' as I fell asleep. *My first night with my dad after my parents died. *The day my dad told me he was going to adopt me. *The day I started and the BAU when I met the team. *The day Spencer asked me out, our first date. *The day he told me he loved me for the first time. *Our first time sleeping together. *Our first pregnancy scare when I was scared out of my mind but he told me whatever happened her would be with me though all of it and then tonight, when he asked me to move in with him. 

It only took a second because the next thing I know I head Spencer calling my name.

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