Isabelle Olympus Part 36

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Hello people! I don't think that this chapter is my best but I felt like I owed you something so I've put it up anyway. I hope that you guys still enjoy it. We're almost at the end now! :)

I decided not to stick around after that. I didn’t really want to be near either of them for a while. I knew that they were just trying to make the best of a bad situation, but I was still mad at them. This was such a stupid idea!

I wanted to scream. But right here, in the middle of camp was not the right place for this. I needed to get away from it all, just for a little bit. I closed my eyes and thought of someplace where I could be completely alone. Somewhere that no one would interrupt me. A place where I could scream and shout all I wanted without drawing any attention to myself.

When I opened my eyes I was on top of a mountain. I could see the rest of the mountain range sloping off into the distance, a light sprinkling of snow dusting the peaks. It was beautiful. And peaceful. And just what I needed right now in order to calm myself down.

I took two deep breaths, loving the feel of the icy cold air filling my lungs. It made me feel more awake and alert than I had been a few minutes ago and was the perfect thing to help me clear my head.

I hated quests. I hadn’t been around for many of them, but from what I’d seen with Luke, I knew that they were dangerous. And most of the time they were pointless.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I could see the merits of this idea. I wasn’t so against the plan that I refused to listen to anything Chiron and Dionysus said. I knew that it was probably the best thing for Percy considering all of the factors. But it was just hard for me to get over the fact that I would be sending him out, practically untrained, into a world full of monsters and gods that want to kill him.

I needed to talk to somebody about this. I needed to just get all of this off of my chest and have someone understand how I’m feeling without trying to get me to agree to send a child to almost certain death.

I reached my hand down into my pocket and dug around in it until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out the drachma and turned it over in my fingers.

Newcomers to camp often thought that these coins were leftovers from the ancient Greek era but in actuality the coins used by people today are all less than ten years old. It is a common mistake, and so it often surprises them to see a 21st century date printed on the back of a coin. The gods, whilst being ancient themselves and living in ancient buildings, liked to surround themselves with new things. They always wore new clothes, never having any piece of clothing for more than a month. They made sure to have new furniture every few years and never ate off of the same plate twice. It had been quite a shock and insult for Dionysus when he came to camp and Chiron refused to give him new cutlery and crockery every day. I was told that he complained non-stop for three months. Dionysus refused to comment but he can still sometimes be seen glowering at his food during dinner.

The coins were one of these things that they liked to be new. Mostly so that they could argue over how they would be redesigned. They would fight over who would go on what coin and complain about how the new design made them look. Zeus ordered for new coins every twelve years, but always made sure that the majority of the coins had his face on them.

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