Chapter 35 - Swallowed whole with guilt

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Chapter 35 - Swallowed whole with guilt.

           I spent the time after Decorus left just wallowing in grief. I feel the immense amount of guilt overwhelm me and frankly it’s consuming me alive. I knew what Decorus meant by that my blood would be lethal to the three of them. The betrayal that Immitis had done could not be taken back. My blood was an antidote for them because they took my position to prevent me from destroying the organization completely. At my young age I would have been impulsive and reckless. That created ability for a relationship close to that of a family. I wasn’t sure if there was a way for them to earn it back, but that didn’t matter. My pride got in the way of what I should’ve done.

            A knock breaks me out of my thoughts.

I clear my throat to answer. “Come in.”

First a hand peeps through the door holding a chocolate donut. Then it disappears and reappears with another hand. This time a pointer finger bends and points repeatedly, urging me to come towards that direction. A small chuckle escapes my lips and the door widens further. The smile slowly vanishes and Damon appears through the door. He stomps his foot holding a plate in frustration.

“I wanted to see your smile. Why do you have to make it evaporate as soon as I come in?” He complains, walking closer.

A ghost of a smile appears on my face so I look down at my lap.

“You did not just hide a smile from me.” He says very slowly with a threat beneath in his words along with disbelief.

I shake my head and put a straight face on. “What are you doing here?”

“You’ve been here for the last four hours.” He replies concern laced in his voice.

My eyes widen just a little as I stare at the clock. I couldn’t believe I’ve been here depressed for that long. My lack of response makes him worry even further.

“Let’s go on a walk.”

“Damon, I have a preposition for you.” I interrupt.

He raises his eyebrow, encouraging me to continue on.

“I need a personal assistant of sorts. It could---”

“I’ll do it.” He shouts full of enthusiasm.

I tilt my head in question. “I didn’t even finish.”

“You didn’t have to.” He grins.

“What if I was trying to ask for you to recommend one of your friends to me?”

“You said what if meaning that you weren’t. And I wouldn’t have let you regardless. Now come on.” Confidence was building up with every word he said and it wasn’t going to back down.

“Where are we going?”

“We are going for a moonlight walk.” He holds out his hand in anticipation.

 “What about the donuts.” I reply, getting off my chair and stretching the soreness after being the same position for hours

 “We’ll take them to go.” Damon replies just as easily.

I nod and intertwine my fingers with his.

We are going to have a long talk. 

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